[comp.sources.unix] v24i044: Manipulate data on the chemical elements., Patch1

rsalz@uunet.uu.net (Rich Salz) (03/15/91)

Submitted-by: "J.E. King" <jek5036@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
Posting-number: Volume 24, Issue 44
Archive-name: chemtab/patch1


	After receiving bugs from people out on the network I have made
'an official patch' to Chemtab V2.01.  This could be called patch #1,
and it brings Chemtab up to V2.02.  Unshar and read README.PATCH for
a description of what has been fixed.  There have also been a few
small changes.. you may or may not notice but it does not affect the
user really..  Thanks for the time.

         O /	O /	O /	O /	O /	O /	O /	O /
         O \	O \	O \	O \	O \	O \	O \	O \
# to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
if `test ! -s ./patch01`
echo "writing ./patch01"
cat > ./patch01 << '\End\Of\Shar\'
diff -c3 Old/Makefile New/Makefile
*** Old/Makefile	Wed Mar 13 19:42:26 1991
--- New/Makefile	Wed Mar 13 21:27:14 1991
*** 1,8 ****
  CC            = cc
! CFLAGS        = -g -DReGIS
  # Define ReGIS if you want to program to prompt the user to answer y/n
  # to the question of if they have a ReGIS compatible terminal
! DEST	      = chemtab
  EXTHDRS	      = /usr/include/curses.h \
  		/usr/include/math.h \
  		/usr/include/sgtty.h \
--- 1,22 ----
+ #
+ # Makefile for Chemtab, current version 2.02, Makefile version 1.1
+ # Makefile author: Jim King (jek5036@ultb.isc.rit.edu)
+ # Makefile additions: Jon Kamens (jik@pit-manager.mit.edu)
+ #
  CC            = cc
! CFLAGS        = -O -DReGIS
  # Define ReGIS if you want to program to prompt the user to answer y/n
  # to the question of if they have a ReGIS compatible terminal
! BINDIR		= .
! MANDIR		= .
! # MAKE SURE:  Any defines in tune.h should reflect this file.. i.e.
! #             if LIBDIR = LIB then the define in tune.h should be something
! #             like #define PERTABLE	"LIB/elist"	*** important
! DEST		= $(BINDIR)/ctab
! LIBFILS	      = closevalues elist pertab pertab_graphic online_help
  EXTHDRS	      = /usr/include/curses.h \
  		/usr/include/math.h \
  		/usr/include/sgtty.h \
*** 20,26 ****
  		variables.h \
  LDFLAGS	      = $(CFLAGS)
! LIBS	      = -lcurses -ltermcap graphlib.a
  LINKER	      = cc
  MAKEFILE      = Makefile
  OBJS	      = cleanup.o \
--- 34,40 ----
  		variables.h \
  LDFLAGS	      = $(CFLAGS)
! LIBS	      = -lcurses -ltermcap
  LINKER	      = cc
  MAKEFILE      = Makefile
  OBJS	      = cleanup.o \
*** 29,34 ****
--- 43,49 ----
  		element.o \
  		element2.o \
  		esort.o \
+ 		graphlib.o \
  		looke.o \
  		main.o \
  		ptabl.o \
*** 51,63 ****
  		scrmisc.c \
! all:		grlib $(PROGRAM)
! grlib:		graphlib.o
! 		ar cr graphlib.a graphlib.o
! 		ranlib graphlib.a
! $(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS) graphlib.a
  		@echo -n "Loading $(PROGRAM) ... "
  		@echo "done"
--- 66,74 ----
  		scrmisc.c \
! all:		$(PROGRAM)
! $(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS)
  		@echo -n "Loading $(PROGRAM) ... "
  		@echo "done"
*** 68,77 ****
  index:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
! install:	$(PROGRAM)
  		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) in $(DEST)
! 		@install -m 4755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
  print:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
  program:        $(PROGRAM)
--- 79,94 ----
  index:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
! install:	$(PROGRAM) chemtab.1
  		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) in $(DEST)
! 		@install -m 755 $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
! 		@echo Installing chemtab.1 in $(MANDEST)
! 		@install -m 0644 chemtab.1 $(MANDEST)
! 		@echo Creating and modifying chemtab library files
! 		@-mkdir $(LIBDIR)
! 		@cp $(LIBFILS) $(LIBDIR)
! 		@chmod 755 $(LIBDIR) $(LIBDIR)/*
  print:;		@$(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
  program:        $(PROGRAM)
diff -c3 Old/README New/README
*** Old/README	Wed Mar 13 19:42:27 1991
--- New/README	Wed Mar 13 20:36:13 1991
*** 30,32 ****
--- 30,33 ----
  Chemtab; written in C (1990) by Jim King (pulsar@lsrhs)
  Chemtab V2.01; (overlay from V1) written in C (1991) by Jim King
+ Chemtab V2.02; (patch #1) with help from Jon Kamens (jik@pit-manager.mit.edu)
diff -c3 Old/VERSION New/VERSION
*** Old/VERSION	Wed Mar 13 19:42:28 1991
--- New/VERSION	Wed Mar 13 20:29:49 1991
*** 26,28 ****
--- 26,34 ----
  			Job stopping fixed. (BSD only)
  			Pipe of ReGIS graphing commands into a file.
  			Graphing module updated to work faster.
+ 	Chemtab V2.02	Patch to V2.01
+ 			Makefile modified by Jon Kamens
+ 						(jik@pit-manager.MIT.EDU)
+ 			Problems when undefining ReGIS and TRANSCRIPT fixed.
+ 			A couple of minor screen display changes.
diff -c3 Old/cleanup.c New/cleanup.c
*** Old/cleanup.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:29 1991
--- New/cleanup.c	Wed Mar 13 21:22:11 1991
*** 67,78 ****
  	clear(); refresh();
  	endwin();				/* turn off curses */
! 	if (trans) {
  		printf("A copy of your transcript can be found in the file %d.chemtab\n", getpid());
! 	/*	printf("\nYou can pick up your printout at the printer to the left of\n");
! 		printf("The White-Board, labelled Happy.  Look for your last name in >><<'s on\n");
! 		printf("the top line of each printout.  Good luck with Chemistry.\n");
! 	 */ }
  	fflush(stdout);				/* just make sure.. */
  	exit(1);				/* quit nicely */
--- 67,76 ----
  	clear(); refresh();
  	endwin();				/* turn off curses */
! 	if (trans)
! 		/* You can put information on how to get to the printer HERE */
  		printf("A copy of your transcript can be found in the file %d.chemtab\n", getpid());
  	fflush(stdout);				/* just make sure.. */
  	exit(1);				/* quit nicely */
diff -c3 Old/dogph.c New/dogph.c
*** Old/dogph.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:31 1991
--- New/dogph.c	Wed Mar 13 21:02:44 1991
*** 109,114 ****
--- 109,115 ----
  			if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
  	} else {
+ 		help(18);
  		for (i = 1; i < gtot; i++) {
  			find(c1, sub1[i]);
  			if (x == -999.0) continue;
*** 162,177 ****
  	/* Here we find the x axis max and min values */
  	/* if they are not already defined */
  	if (xmin == -999) {
! 		find(c1, e->anum);
! 		xmax = xmin = x;
! 		for (tmp = e; tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
! 			find(c1, tmp->anum);
! 			if (x == -999.0) continue;
! 			if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
! 			if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
  	/* Here we find the y axis min and max values */
  	find(c2, e->anum);
--- 163,189 ----
  	/* Here we find the x axis max and min values */
  	/* if they are not already defined */
  	if (xmin == -999) {
! 		if (gtot > 0) {
! 			for (i = 1; i < gtot; i++) {
! 				find(c1, sub1[i]);
! 				if (x == -999.0) continue;
! 				if (i == 1) xmax = xmin = x;
! 				else {
! 					if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
! 					if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
! 				}
! 			}
! 		} else {
! 			find(c1, e->anum);
! 			xmax = xmin = x;
! 			for (tmp = e; tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
! 				find(c1, tmp->anum);
! 				if (x == -999.0) continue;
! 				if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
! 				if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
! 			}
  	/* Here we find the y axis min and max values */
  	find(c2, e->anum);
diff -c3 Old/doregisgph.c New/doregisgph.c
*** Old/doregisgph.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:16 1991
--- New/doregisgph.c	Wed Mar 13 21:02:44 1991
*** 1,5 ****
- #ifdef	ReGIS
   * chemtab - a periodic table data base (C) 1990 Jim King
   *           jek5036@ritvax.isc.rit.edu (formerly pulsar@lsrhs)
--- 1,3 ----
*** 19,25 ****
  extern int numr(), stop();
- #endif ReGIS
   * find(ch, en)
--- 17,22 ----
*** 125,130 ****
--- 122,128 ----
  			if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
  	} else {
+ 		help(18);
  		for (i = 1; i < gtot; i++) {
  			find(c1, sub1[i]);
  			if (x == -999.0) continue;
*** 178,190 ****
  	bot("Calculating the X axis max and min values...");
  	if (xmin == -999) {
! 		find(c1, e->anum);
! 		xmax = xmin = x;
! 		for (tmp = e; tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
! 			find(c1, tmp->anum);
! 			if (x == -999.0) continue;
! 			if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
! 			if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
--- 176,200 ----
  	bot("Calculating the X axis max and min values...");
  	if (xmin == -999) {
! 		if (gtot > 0) {
! 			for (i = 1; i < gtot; i++) {
! 				find(c1, sub1[i]);
! 				if (x == -999.0) continue;
! 				if (i == 1) xmax = xmin = x;
! 				else {
! 					if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
! 					if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
! 				}
! 			}
! 		} else {
! 			find(c1, e->anum);
! 			xmax = xmin = x;
! 			for (tmp = e; tmp->next != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
! 				find(c1, tmp->anum);
! 				if (x == -999.0) continue;
! 				if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
! 				if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
! 			}
diff -c3 Old/main.c New/main.c
*** Old/main.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:02 1991
--- New/main.c	Wed Mar 13 21:24:11 1991
*** 93,99 ****
! next:	rebuild = 0;  closetext = 0; gtot = 0;
  	initscr();			/* start curses */
  	hlp = NULL;			/* help screen init */
--- 93,99 ----
! next:	rebuild = 0;  closetext = 0; eopage = 0;
  	initscr();			/* start curses */
  	hlp = NULL;			/* help screen init */
*** 123,132 ****
  	mvaddstr(9, 28, "Periodic Table Data Base");
  	mvaddstr(10, 30, "Of the Known Elements");
! 	mvaddstr(15, 21, "Chemtab 2.01 incorporates online help");
  	mvaddstr(16, 13, "Answer with a question mark at any question for help.");
! 	mvaddstr(18, 18, "Version 2.01, January 7th, 1991 by Jim King");
  	mvaddstr(19, 16, "Developed at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School");
  	mvaddstr(20, 12, "(and) ReGIS package at Rochester Institute of Technology");
  	refresh();				/* Title page */
--- 123,132 ----
  	mvaddstr(9, 28, "Periodic Table Data Base");
  	mvaddstr(10, 30, "Of the Known Elements");
! 	mvaddstr(15, 21, "Chemtab 2.02 incorporates online help");
  	mvaddstr(16, 13, "Answer with a question mark at any question for help.");
! 	mvaddstr(18, 18, "Version 2.02, March 13th, 1991 by Jim King");
  	mvaddstr(19, 16, "Developed at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School");
  	mvaddstr(20, 12, "(and) ReGIS package at Rochester Institute of Technology");
  	refresh();				/* Title page */
*** 195,201 ****
  			wmove(mn, i+1, 0);
  			wprintw(mn, "%d] %s", i, mopts[i]);
  		}	/* give me choices, then branch off */
! 		menu("Chemtab 2.01 MAIN MENU");
  #ifdef	ReGIS
  		mvwaddstr(mn, 11, 0, "^R toggles ReGIS mode which is currently ");
--- 195,201 ----
  			wmove(mn, i+1, 0);
  			wprintw(mn, "%d] %s", i, mopts[i]);
  		}	/* give me choices, then branch off */
! 		menu("Chemtab 2.02 MAIN MENU");
  #ifdef	ReGIS
  		mvwaddstr(mn, 11, 0, "^R toggles ReGIS mode which is currently ");
diff -c3 Old/online_help New/online_help
*** Old/online_help	Wed Mar 13 19:42:02 1991
--- New/online_help	Wed Mar 13 20:45:04 1991
*** 101,106 ****
--- 101,112 ----
  1000 celcius.  You would type in the number for
  melting temperature here.
+ 	Since you selected some characteristics
+ using main menu command #2, the graphing module
+ will only use these elements when graphing.  To
+ override this, select #15 (clear all characteristics)
+ in main menu command #2.  If this message does not
+ appear, then all the elements are being used.
  	The ReGIS commands can be printed on any DEC
  LN03 compatible laserprinter, possibly others.  If
diff -c3 Old/ptabl.c New/ptabl.c
*** Old/ptabl.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:05 1991
--- New/ptabl.c	Wed Mar 13 21:10:55 1991
*** 42,48 ****
  	wclear(mn); wrefresh(mn);
  	clear(); refresh();
! l16:	mvwaddstr(btm, 0, 0, "VT100 alternate graphic set (if yes, no transcript of this table) ");
  	cur = btm; xp = 65; yp = 0;
  	noecho(); crmode();
--- 42,51 ----
  	wclear(mn); wrefresh(mn);
  	clear(); refresh();
! l16:	if (trans)
! 		mvwaddstr(btm, 0, 0, "VT100 alternate graphic set (if yes, no transcript of this table) ");
! 	else
! 		mvwaddstr(btm, 0, 0, "VT100 alternate graphic set? ");
  	cur = btm; xp = 65; yp = 0;
  	noecho(); crmode();
diff -c3 Old/scrmisc.c New/scrmisc.c
*** Old/scrmisc.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:07 1991
--- New/scrmisc.c	Wed Mar 13 21:20:17 1991
*** 12,19 ****
   * will USUALLY work for most print queues WITHOUT end-of-page form-feeding,
   * meaning the print command doesn't care about upper and lower margins.  If
   * so, a lower value may be needed. */
! #define	SPACING		4
  char	*str;
--- 12,22 ----
   * will USUALLY work for most print queues WITHOUT end-of-page form-feeding,
   * meaning the print command doesn't care about upper and lower margins.  If
   * so, a lower value may be needed. */
! #define	SPACING		2
+ /* V2.02 uses a ^L to scroll to the end of page.. SPACING at 2 should work
+  * peachy.. :> */
  char	*str;
*** 120,125 ****
--- 123,129 ----
  	char	c;
  	int	i, j, icn = 0;			/* Internal count */
  	if (!trans)
*** 170,177 ****
--- 174,186 ----
  		fputc('\n', fp);
+ 	++eopage;
  	for (i = 0; i < SPACING-2; i++)
  		fputc('\n', fp);
+ 	if (eopage == 2) {
+ 		fputc('\014', fp);
+ 		eopage = 0;
+ 	}
*** 182,188 ****
  	clear(); refresh();
! 	mvaddstr(0, 34, "Chemtab V2.01");
  	mvaddstr(2, 0, "Element data (text): ");
  	printw("%s", PERTABLE);
--- 191,197 ----
  	clear(); refresh();
! 	mvaddstr(0, 30, "Chemtab V2.02 (patch 1)");
  	mvaddstr(2, 0, "Element data (text): ");
  	printw("%s", PERTABLE);
*** 214,230 ****
  	mvaddstr(13, 0, "Printing is disabled.");
  #endif	PRINTER
! 	mvaddstr(14, 0, "User logs are kept in ");
  	printw("%s.", TRANSCRIPT);
! 	mvaddstr(14, 0, "User logs are disabled.");
  #ifdef	ReGIS
! 	mvaddstr(15, 0, "ReGIS graphics module is installed.");
! 	mvaddstr(15, 0, "ReGIS graphics module is not installed.");
  #endif	ReGIS
--- 223,245 ----
  	mvaddstr(13, 0, "Printing is disabled.");
  #endif	PRINTER
+ #ifdef	PRINTQ
+ 	mvaddstr(14, 0, "User is prompted for a print queue.");
+ #else	PRINTQ
+ 	mvaddstr(14, 0, "Print queue is coded into program.");
+ #endif	PRINTQ
! 	mvaddstr(15, 0, "User logs are kept in ");
  	printw("%s.", TRANSCRIPT);
! 	mvaddstr(15, 0, "User logs are disabled.");
  #ifdef	ReGIS
! 	mvaddstr(16, 0, "ReGIS graphics module is installed.");
! 	mvaddstr(16, 0, "ReGIS graphics module is not installed.");
  #endif	ReGIS
diff -c3 Old/tune.h New/tune.h
*** Old/tune.h	Wed Mar 13 19:49:43 1991
--- New/tune.h	Wed Mar 13 21:28:40 1991
*** 42,49 ****
     with a ^Z if you do NOT want the program to stop, comment this out */
  /* Obviously, this was not written on a SYSV system..  If you have SYSV
     it is advised you comment this out */
! #define USERSHELL	"/bin/csh"
  /* PRINTER is the printer program or shell script you use to print on
     the desired printer for Chemtab output.  Preferably, when using lpr,
     you want to add the '-h' function to skip the header page. */
--- 42,53 ----
     with a ^Z if you do NOT want the program to stop, comment this out */
  /* Obviously, this was not written on a SYSV system..  If you have SYSV
     it is advised you comment this out */
! /*#define USERSHELL	"/bin/csh" */
+ /* TRANSCRIPT is the path to the logfile which lists who uses the program.
+               if it is not defined, then no log is made. */
+ #define TRANSCRIPT	"logfile"
  /* PRINTER is the printer program or shell script you use to print on
     the desired printer for Chemtab output.  Preferably, when using lpr,
     you want to add the '-h' function to skip the header page. */
*** 57,68 ****
     #define PRINTER	"lpr h -P"
     #define PRINTQ
!    #define PRINTER	"prvms -q "
     #define PRINTQ			note you need a space */
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
  #define PRINTER		"prvms -q "
  #define	PRINTQ
- /* TRANSCRIPT is the path to the logfile which lists who uses the program.
-               if it is not defined, then no log is made. */
- #define TRANSCRIPT	"logfile"
--- 61,76 ----
     #define PRINTER	"lpr h -P"
     #define PRINTQ
!    #define PRINTER	"prvms -q " /* prvms looks for a space between args
     #define PRINTQ			note you need a space */
+ /* Without printq, if you want to hardcode the queue into the program,
+    do it like this:
+    #define PRINTER	"lpr -h -Pprinter1" /* printer1 is the name of the
+ 					       printer */
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
  #define PRINTER		"prvms -q "
  #define	PRINTQ
diff -c3 Old/variables.h New/variables.h
*** Old/variables.h	Wed Mar 13 19:42:09 1991
--- New/variables.h	Wed Mar 13 21:22:11 1991
*** 16,29 ****
  #ifdef  ReGIS
  	regis,				/* regis on/off flag */
  #endif 	ReGIS
  	trans,				/* transcript flag */
! #endif  TRANSCRIPT
  	gtot;				/* total of sorted elements */
  #ifdef	LASERPRT
  FILE	*lsr;
  #endif	LASERPRT
! FILE	*fp;				/* File pointer for the above flag */
  char	lnm[80];			/* User's last name for transcript */
--- 16,28 ----
  #ifdef  ReGIS
  	regis,				/* regis on/off flag */
  #endif 	ReGIS
  	trans,				/* transcript flag */
! 	eopage,				/* end of page flag */
  	gtot;				/* total of sorted elements */
  #ifdef	LASERPRT
  FILE	*lsr;
  #endif	LASERPRT
! FILE	*fp;				/* File pointer for the transcript */
  char	lnm[80];			/* User's last name for transcript */
diff -c3 Old/vdata.c New/vdata.c
*** Old/vdata.c	Wed Mar 13 19:42:10 1991
--- New/vdata.c	Wed Mar 13 21:24:49 1991
*** 160,167 ****
- 		spc();
  		capture(graph, 0, 1);
--- 160,167 ----
  		capture(graph, 0, 1);
+ 		spc();
  echo "will not over write ./patch01"
if [ `wc -c ./patch01 | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 17713 ]
echo `wc -c ./patch01 | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 17713}'`
if `test ! -s ./README.PATCH`
echo "writing ./README.PATCH"
cat > ./README.PATCH << '\End\Of\Shar\'
	This patch will bring the original, untouched version of Chemtab 2.01
up to Chemtab 2.02.  This is officially patch #1.  It fixes a few things
which previously went untested (oops..).  Please apply it as soon as you get


	TRANSCRIPT define can be removed without error messages
	ReGIS define can be removed without error messages
	Program will now prompt you on some questions according to #defines
	Makefile modified - no longer a library (graphlib.a)

							- Jim

(yes there are probably bound to be more patches.. but this is all I could
 find.  You MAY have to tweak your Makefile to work for your system.)

  echo "will not over write ./README.PATCH"
if [ `wc -c ./README.PATCH | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 630 ]
echo `wc -c ./README.PATCH | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 630}'`
echo "Finished archive 1 of 1"

exit 0 # Just in case...
Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to rsalz@uunet.uu.net.
Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.