pozar@hoptoad.UUCP (02/10/87)
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 87 15:56:23 cst From: lll-crg!seismo!uiucdcs!clio.las.uiuc.edu!berger (Mike Berger) Subject: Fido news letter This is in response to your comments about an exam-free amateur radio license: I take exception to your recent comments regarding a code-free amateur radio license. You blame the amateur radio "fraternity" for being restrictive, while the fault lies with the FCC and ARRL. Most of the amateur radio operators I know would welcome an influx of radio experimenters, which is the purpose of the amateur radio service. Naturally, there's a fear that granting licenses without any kind of techical exam will destroy amateur radio just as it did CB. That's a legitimate problem that you failed to address. Finally, I think that complaining about the morse code requirement is a cop-out. The requirement may be obsolete and stupid, but it's not insurmountable (or even difficult). The code test for a technician class license (which is what most people want for packet communications) requires answering 7 our of 10 multiple choice questions about a simulated morse code conversation correctly. I suggest that anybody who is unwilling to make the minimal effort required to meet that requirement should consider obtaining a standard commercial radio license instead. Having to learn morse code to obtain an amateur radio license is somewhat like having to learn ASCII to use a computer. It no longer makes sense in the context of state-of-the-art, and is just an artifact from an earlier era. But it's not the fault of the amateur radio community in general, and it's hardly worth complaining about. Mike Berger, WB9ITN Center for Advanced Study University of Illinois {ihnp4|convex|pur-ee}!uiucuxc!clio!berger