Danny, Full TeX LN03 support is apparently available on the Fall 1986 Languages and Tools SIG "tape" (3tapes@1600bpi), available from the tape librarian of your local Vax users group. Supposedly most, if not all, of the Computer Modern fonts have been translated into LN03 format. There is nothing special about the LN03+ so far as text and font support is concerned. It's the same as the base LN03. Font memory is separate from graphics memory, so you will need at least one additional Ram cartridge. I hope this helps. Selden E. Ball, Jr. (Wilson Lab's network and system manager) Cornell University NYNEX: +1-607-255-0688 Laboratory of Nuclear Studies BITNET: SYSTEM@CRNLNS Wilson Synchrotron Lab ARPA: SYSTEM%CRNLNS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Judd Falls & Dryden Road PHYSnet/HEPnet/SPAN: Ithaca, NY, USA 14853 LNS61::SYSTEM = 44283::SYSTEM (node 43.251)