carl@CITHEX.CALTECH.EDU (04/25/87)
From: CITHEX::ST%"Mailer" 25-APR-1987 02:57 To: CARL Subj: Undeliverable Mail Date: Sat, 25 Apr 87 02:57:44 PDT From: Mailer@CitHex.Caltech.Edu Subject: Undeliverable Mail To: <carl> Comment: reason for return -- Comment: Invalid address[es] Comment: the affected addresses follow ... Comment: infovax Start of returned message Date: Sat, 25 Apr 87 02:54:09 PDT From: carl (Carl J Lydick) @ CitHex.Caltech.Edu Message-Id: <870425025409.00c@CitHex.Caltech.Edu> Subject: Re: Reading .EXE version information In-Reply-To: Your message dated 23-Apr-1987 To: nagy%43198.hepnet @, infovax @ CitHex.Caltech.Edu > I recently saw an article on reading version information from the .EXE > file. I have since lost the reference or message (I assume I saw it > on Info_VAX). If I did see it on Info_VAX, could someone please send > me a copy of the message/source code or a reference to where I might > have seen it. I don't recall having seen this in infovax, and can't help you if you want to get the information lots of times from lots of files. However, you can easily write a DCL script to do it if execution time isn't critical. The strategy is to use the "ANALYZE/IMAGE/OUTPUT=filename" command to generate a file which has the version number in an easily findable place, then the SEARCH command to select the record with the information. An OPEN, a READ, a CLOSE, a string assignment using F$EDIT and F$ELEMENT, and a DELETE command then get you the version number and delete the scratch files. End of returned message