info-vaxers, I feel foolish for asking this question, but I've looked everywhere I know and can't find a solution. How can I find out if a file is readable or writable given the current process' priveleges? I've tried F$File_Attributes to get the protection string, but I found the gotcha that a file can have read protection set, but the directory file that contains the file doesn't. Obviously, having to check read protection on every directory in the path is a real hassle, especially from DCL. Is there some system service I don't know about that combines all the processing necessary to achieve this? I know it's non-trivial, and I assume that it's been done but I just haven't learned yet. The problem also exists for trying to write files. Is there a better solution than opening the file and testing for failure? Thanks much. Dave Serafini Sterling Software NASA/Ames Research Center or RAL::SERAFINI (SPAN node 24.6) (Ted Crane) (04/27/87)
In article <8704250736.AA09643@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> SERAFINI%RAL@AMES-IO.ARPA.UUCP writes: >How can I find out if a file is readable or writable given the current >process' priveleges? >Is there some system service I don't know about... To put it briefly: SYS$CHECK_ACCESS and SYS$CHKPRO (spelling?). A brief summary of these is available through the on-line help: $ help sys $ch Programming these the first time can be a pain to do, since you have to set up the data structures in whatever your language of habit is. After that, it's cookbook. More reference material: System Services Reference.