========================================================================== To INFO-VAX@SRI-KL.ARPA through gateway smtpuser@wiscvm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VMS seems to have trouble with accounting when printing files with no formfeeds. Whenever we print a file with no formfeeds with the /NOFEED option, it counts only 1 page (for a 10,000 page listing). Our accounting package also tries using lines printed based on "GETs from source", but this number is never the same if we print the same file to different queues (for instance a file with approx. 1700 lines generated 8758 gets on an LP11 type device and only 1722 on a terminal queue device). Any suggestions or explanations? Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe Meister BITNET: ECF_GJWM@JHUVMS The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From ECF_GJWM@JHUVMS.BITNET @26-MAY-1987 11:23:32.78 EST Joe Meister The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD ==========================================================================