hamm@BIOVAX.RUTGERS.EDU (06/04/87)
Two people have recently brought up the idea of a digest standard. This seems like a wonderful idea if it doesn't already exist. However, I don't see it gaining much acceptance unless there is also standard digestify/undigestify software around. Does anyone see any possibility of getting something like this going? What we need is a KERMIT-like thing for digests, with people writing versions for each of the popular mailers on each of the popular operating systems. If this happened, I'd vote for digests, too -- but not until then. Greg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greg H. Hamm || Phone: (201)932-4864 Director, Molecular Biology Computing Lab || Waksman Institute/NJ CABM || BITNET: hamm@biovax P.O. Box 759, Rutgers University || ARPA: hamm@biovax.rutgers.edu Piscataway, NJ 08854 * USA || ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------