derek@sask.UUCP (Derek Andrew) (07/22/84)
I just received an Anchor Automation Signalman MK XIII 1200 baud modem -- the one that has trouble sending break. There have been reports that Anchor has fixed the problems and the modems can now send break. Don't you believe them. Mine certainly does not send a break. -- Derek Andrew, ACS, U of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 0W0 {ihnp4 | utah-cs | utcsrgv | alberta}!sask!derek 306-343-2638 0900-1630 CST
nazgul@apollo.UUCP (07/24/84)
<...and the little one said...> I spoke to Anchor after that rumour came out, and they said that they had fixed the break problem with the new version, BUT only for 300 baud connections, you still can't send one at 1200 baud. With a bunch of experimenting I managed to find a way around it which seems to work fairly well when talking to UNIX sio lines (trying to get them to change speed). It envolves sending some sequence of 4 characters, a carriage return, a break, and a pause. If anyone is interested I'll look at my macro (on Ascii Express) and see what it does, I don't remember off hand. -kee ...decvax!wivax!apollo!nazgul
dave@islenet.UUCP (07/25/84)
My understanding (from an Anchor Signalman dealer) is that the new ROM's have the problem fixed. However not all units being shipped have the new ROM's. I'd go back to whomever you bought from and request another modem with the ROM that can send BREAK. David Lassner, University of Hawaii Computing Center {ihnp4, dual, vortex, uhpgvax}!islenet!dave
derek@sask.UUCP (Derek Andrew) (07/28/84)
I called the organization that sold me the Anchor Signalman Mark XII which would not send break. Indeed, I can get an upgrade to let it send break, for only $70. Anchor is *still* shipping units that can't send break. Be warned. -- Derek Andrew, ACS, U of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 0W0 {ihnp4 | utah-cs | utcsrgv | alberta}!sask!derek 306-343-2638 0900-1630 CST