>I was recently surprised to discover if a VT240 is set for "VT100 mode,
 >VT240 ID," the command
 >will change it to "VT200 mode, 7-bit controls"....

 This has always happened.  If you wanted the VT2xx terminal to stay in
 VT100 mode after the inquire, you should have changed the "VT240 ID" to
 "VT100 ID".  What happens is that the inquiry sequence gets sent to the
 terminal, which responds with the sequence indicated in that "ID" field
 to tell what kind of terminal it is. Then, the system sends down some 
 initialization codes to put the terminal settings into a known state --
 it's this last part that changes your terminal to VT200 mode.

 Matt Madison
 Systems Programmer
 RPI Center for Interactive Computer Graphics