CC_FERRI@SWTEXAS.BITNET (M. Ferris at SWTSU, 512-245-2595) (06/17/87)
We have a bulletin board program written in FORTRAN in which certain commands will take the qualifier /EDIT. When the /EDIT qualifier is used, the command tries to translates the logical name MAIL$EDIT to build a command line to pass to a subprocess created by LIB$SPAWN. Here is the actual code excerpt: IF (CLI$PRESENT('EDIT')) THEN ! If /EDIT specified, then LEN = 0 IER = LIB$SYS_TRNLOG('MAIL$EDIT',LEN,MAILEDIT) IF (IER.NE.SS$_NORMAL) MAILEDIT = 'SYS$SYSTEM:MAILEDIT' IF (LEN_P.EQ.0) THEN ! If no file param specified CALL LIB$SPAWN('$@'//MAILEDIT//' "" SYS$LOGIN:BULL.SCR') OPEN (UNIT=3,FILE='SYS$LOGIN:BULL.SCR',STATUS='OLD', & DISPOSE='DELETE',ERR=920,FORM='FORMATTED') LEN_P = 1 ELSE CLOSE (UNIT=3) CALL LIB$SPAWN('$@'//MAILEDIT//' '//BULL_PARAMETER(1:LEN_P) & //' SYS$LOGIN:BULL.SCR') OPEN (UNIT=3,FILE='SYS$LOGIN:BULL.SCR',STATUS='OLD', & DISPOSE='DELETE',ERR=920,FORM='FORMATTED') END IF END IF My problem is that some individuals at our site have MAIL$EDIT defined as "Callable_TPU" and since no CALLABLE_TPU.COM file exists the command fails. I would prefer not to create a .COM file to handle this but would rather have the sharable TPU image activated as it is done in MAIL. Has anyone out there done this specifically from FORTRAN? Thanks in advance for anyone who can provide me with info. Mike Ferris Southwest Texas State Univ. Phone: (512)245-2595 BITNET: cc_ferris@swtexas TEXNET: mentor::cc_ferris