[comp.os.vms] Data Encryption

EVERHART%ARISIA@rca.COM ("GLENN EVERHART, 609 486 6328") (06/18/87)

	Over the last two or so years, I've heard from a variety of places
that the Data Encryption Standard, which NSA is decertifying, produces 
ciphers which can be broken in about 1.5 hours on an IBM PC (presumably
much faster on VAXen... :-) ). These have been from sufficiently reliable
sources that I've been inclined to believe the stories, though I have no
clearances in crypto compartments, etc...
	Recently I was speaking with a DECUS buddy about the famous VMS
security hole and our conversation wandered into this area. He remembered
seeing an article 7 or 8 years ago (1979 or 1980 more or less) in the
Proceedings of the Soviet Academy of Science which discussed pruning
decision trees in DES ciphers in its' first part. Apparently the article,
which he described as heavily mathematical, gives the basis for finding
LARGE equivalence classes of keys so that DES can be broken by testing
far fewer than 2**56 possible keys. Enough fewer that 1-2 hours on a PC
sounded about right. (The second part of the article gives conditions
necessary for public key ciphers not to be trivial to break.) The article
was in English translation, by the way, so the original may have been a
bit earlier.
	I don't live near any library big enough to have that journal and
am wondering if anyone out there in netland who's interested in these
matters would be good enough to hunt the reference up and post it?
Maybe that way the community can avoid some dangerously weak ciphers
where they need to be strong...
	(I've also heard that repeated applications of the unix or
Software Tools "Crypt" tool, with relatively prime key lengths, can be
VERY VERY much stronger than one would expect...)
	Glenn Everhart