[comp.os.vms] $GETUAI

CHAA006@vaxa.rhbnc.ac.UK (06/18/87)

I couldn't find a FORTRAN example, but here's a MACRO-32 one (for those,
like me, who aren't familiar with 'C')

	.title	arc$time_slot
; Based on an original idea by
;	Sanford L. Berger
;	Marquette University
;	Computer Services Division
;	Technical Services
;	Milwaukee, WI
; and modified  3-Feb-1987 17:25:52 by
;	Philip Taylor
;	Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
;	University of London
;	Egham Hill, Egham
;	Surrey, U.K.
; usage: 	 time_slot := arc$time_slot (time, username)
; result:	 0 => error, 1 => prime time, 2 => off-peak time
; errors:	 signalled
; Assumptions: SYSGEN parameter USERD1 is a bit-mask, with one bit set
; for each primary hour (bit 0 for 00:00 - 01:00, etc.)

time		 =		 4
user		 =		 8

		.macro		$abort, p1
		 pushl		 p1
		 calls		#1, G^Lib$Signal
		 pushl		#0

		.macro		 if_ok, ?L1
		 blbs		 R0, L1
		$abort		 R0
L1:		.endm
		.macro		$return, P1
		 movl		 P1, R0

		.macro		.zero
		.long		 0

		.psect 	 	 code,long,nowrt,exe
		.entry	 	 arc$time_slot, ^M<>
	 	 cmpl		(AP), #2
	 	 bgeq	 	 10$
		$abort		#ss$_insfarg

;	At the 'Case' statement of the following code,
;	R0 will contain the current "day type"; 
;	0 => default, 1 => primary, 2 => secondary;
;	Despatch as follows :-

;	If secondary, return immediately: no more to do;
;	If primary,   compare time with 'prime time', and return appropriately;
;	If default, look up user in UAF, ask the system for the day of the week
;	corresponding to <time>, ascertain what sort of day that is for 
;	<user>, then proceed as above.

10$:	 	 movzbl		#0, R0
	 	 bbc		#exe$v_explicits,exe$gl_flags,def
	 	 bbc		#exe$v_explicitp,exe$gl_flags,pri
sec:	 	 incl	 	 R0
pri:	 	 incl	 	 R0
def:		 casel		 R0, #0, #2
base:		.word		 default-base
		.word		 primary-base
		.word		 secondary-base
		$abort		#arc$_codingerr

default:	$getuai_s	 usrnam=@user(ap),-
		 cmpl		#rms$_rnf, R0
		 bnequ		 10$
		$getuai_s	 usrnam=defuser,-
10$:		 if_ok

		 pushal		 day.nmbr
		 pushal		@time(ap)	
		 calls		#2, G^Lib$Day_of_week

		 moval		 day.tble, R0
		 subl3		#1, day.nmbr, R1	; 0 <= R1 <= 6
		 movl		(R0)[R1], R1
		 bbs		 R1, uai.buff, secondary

primary:	$getsyiw_s	 itmlst=syi.data

		$numtim_s	 timbuf=tim.buff,-

		 movzwl		 tim.hour, R0
		 bbc		 R0, syi.buff, secondary
		$return		#1

secondary:	$return		#2

		.psect		 data, wrt, noexe

day.nmbr:	.blkl		 1

day.tble:	.long		 uai$v_monday
		.long		 uai$v_tuesday
		.long		 uai$v_wednesday
		.long		 uai$v_thursday
		.long		 uai$v_friday
		.long		 uai$v_saturday
		.long		 uai$v_sunday

defuser:	.ascid		'DEFAULT'

syi.blen	 = 	 	 4

syi.data:	.word		 syi.blen
		.word		 syi$_userd1
		.address	 syi.buff
		.address	 syi.rlen

syi.buff:	.blkb		 syi.blen
syi.rlen:	.blkl		 1

tim.buff:	.blkw		 1
		.blkw		 1
		.blkw		 1
tim.hour:	.blkw		 1
		.blkw		 1
		.blkw		 1
		.blkw		 1

uai.blen	 = 	 	 4

uai.data:	.word		 uai.blen
		.word		 uai$_primedays
		.address	 uai.buff
		.address	 uai.rlen

uai.buff:	.blkb		 uai.blen
uai.rlen:	.blkl		 1
