vsmith@instr.camosun.bcc.CDN (Vaughn Smith) (06/19/87)
> Second: In my opinion, which you may choose to ignore or not, having a > *system service* to muck with the UAF is stupid. I can only see two reasons > for having it: 1> So that you can have "group managers" who can bash their > underlings' accounts, We would like to use $SETUAI so that students could set the owner field on their accounts when they log in for the first time. The old program to do this requires changing every time VMS changes the UAF. We get the following on both VMS 4.4 and VMS 4.5A (LAVC): %RMS-F-RNL, record not locked %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows module name routine name line rel PC abs PC SETUAI$MAIN SETUAI$MAIN 195 0000005D 0000065D Shouldn't the system service return an error and not leave it to RMS? The documentation on $SETUAI looks like too much like $GETUAI. Thanks in advance. Vaughn Smith.
> We would like to use $SETUAI so that students could set the owner field on > their accounts when they log in for the first time. The old program to do > this requires changing every time VMS changes the UAF. We get the > following on both VMS 4.4 and VMS 4.5A (LAVC): > %RMS-F-RNL, record not locked > %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows > module name routine name line rel PC abs PC > SETUAI$MAIN SETUAI$MAIN 195 0000005D 0000065D > Shouldn't the system service return an error and not leave it to RMS? The > documentation on $SETUAI looks like too much like $GETUAI. I had started out to say: I't really hard to diagnose your problem when you don't include any of the relevent code; however I CAN tell you a) What the error message you're getting means; and b) That YOU must be doing something wrong, since $SETUAI does work. The error message "%RMS-F-RNL, record not locked" means that you're trying to update a record in a file (that is to say, a record with the same key [for an indexed file] or at the same address [for a file opened for direct access] already exists and you want to replace the old version with a new one), but you either haven't read the record, or you read it without locking it. Are you sure you're trying to modify the OWNER field and not, say, the USERNAME field? But while I was testing my program, I suddenly found myself getting the same error message (even though the program had worked several times before). A comparison of the situation in which the program worked and that in which it failed show that it had to be a privilege problem: I had TOO MANY privileges set. So, starting with all privileges set, I began throwing away a few at a time, until I tracked down the culprit: GRPPRV. The bug shows up after it's been determined that you have write access to SYSUAF.DAT, but before the record is updated, and I'm not expecting to pin it down any more closely than that (Frankly, I'd be scared to try. Someone asked in this teleconference a couple of days ago where the next security hole would come from. Given that $SETUAI is STILL definitely NOT functioning as it was intended to, I wouldn't be surprised to find a hole related to this problem). At any rate, the problem's not in your code, it's in the system service, and since I've taken the trouble to write a short demonstration program (in C) that changes the OWNER field in SYSUAF, I might as well post it: /* SET_PERSONAL_NAME - modify the OWNER field in SYSUAF.DAT via $SETUAI */ #include descrip #define UAI$_OWNER 0x0000000C struct dsc$descriptor *dsc(string) char *string; { static struct dsc$descriptor d = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0}; d.dsc$w_length = strlen(string); d.dsc$a_pointer = string; return(&d); } main(nargs, args) int nargs; char **args; { extern long SYS$SETUAI(); long status; static char owner[32]; struct ITMLST_3 { short buffer_length; short item_code; char *buffer_address; short *return_length_address; } itmlst[2] = {{32, UAI$_OWNER, owner, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 0}}; if (nargs != 3) { puts("Usage: SET_PERSONAL_NAME personalname username"); exit(1); } *owner = strlen(*++args); if(*owner < 32) strcpy(owner + 1, *args); else { puts("You personal name must be less than 32 bytes long."); exit(1); } exit(SYS$SETUAI(0,0,dsc(*++args),itmlst,0,0,0)); }