[comp.os.vms] TeX template for LSE

DEAN@ENGVAX.SCG.HAC.COM (Dean Stephan) (06/11/87)

I understand that there is such a beast on the Languages and Tools SIG
tape from DECUS.  Understand that I have never seen this beast, but I
was told that it exists, and was being put on the San Francisco DECUS
L+T SIG tape.



My latest mailing from the TeX Users Group - it just arrived yesterday - lists
the following:

	TeXniques Series #1
	VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT)
	Quick Reference Guide for use with the LATEX Environment and
	LATEX Style Templates

	From the Guide:  "The guide presents information about the [VAX]
	Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT) and the environment defined for

	This manual is supplemented by files required to produce a LATEX
	editing environment for the LSE, which are furnished on a mag tape
	[BACKUP format, 1600 BPI]....  Lear Siegler documentation on how to
	install the LSE files is on the tape....  Originally prepared for
	internal use at Lear Sielger, Inc., Instrument Division, Grand Rapids,
	Michigan; reprinted with permission and distributed by TUG.

Cost is $65; order from:

	TEX Users Group
	P.O. Box 594
	Providence, RI 02901, USA

General correspondence should be addressed to:

	TEX Users Group
	P.O. Box 9506
	Providence, RI 02940-9506, USA

The order form lists several other things that look interesting, including
the packages IdxTEX, which makes indexes, and GloTEX, which makes glossaries.

							-- Jerry