Well, I updated to VMS V4.5, and interesting things happened! I'm running two 8600s and two 11/750s in a CI cluster. I used one of the 8600s for the update. Summary of comments: - XQP Fix Kit documentation error can cause installation to go wrong. - BACKUP/VERIFY /NEW can report that the verify failed but the files are ok. - SPAWN stops working after installation of XQP Fix Kit. - Changed file protections do not go immediately to other cluster members. - STABACKIT doesn't work quite as advertised. - WORD-11 V3.1 queue manager doesn't work after update. After the actual update, which was routine, I installed the XQP Fix Kit. This is the kit with the INIT.EXE and F11BXQP.EXE on it that correct the destructo- disk problem on clusters. I encountered numerous nasty problems with this kit. - The BACKUP command used to restore the new files doesn't include /NEW. I noticed this when it failed to replace `old' INIT.EXE;1 with `new' INIT.EXE;1. It _did_ put `new' F11BXQP.EXE;1 out there behind `old' F11BXQP.EXE;2! Check your system if you installed the kit. - I started over using /NEW. The BACKUP verify pass failed on INIT.EXE. BACKUP was comparing `media' INIT.EXE;1 with `old' INIT.EXE;1 though it had actually created `new' INIT.EXE;2. It didn't fail on F11BXQP.EXE, because I'd left `new' F11BXQP.EXE;1 out there from my first attempt, so it compared `media' F11BXQP.EXE;1 with `new' F11BXQP.EXE;1. - The file protection codes were wrong on the tape. They were set to (G:RE,W) instead of (G:RWED,W:RE). The SPAWN command stopped working; the subprocess failed with a NOPRIV final status. After fixing the codes, SPAWN worked. - It worked only on the one 8600, that is. Not until I did DIR/SECURITY SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP.EXE or COPY SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP.EXE NL: did it start working on the other nodes. Some information is not being propagated to other members of the cluster. I had trouble rebuilding standalone backup on my RL02. The documentation doesn't say to initialize the RL02. I took the STABACKIT default, `no'. It claimed that it would delete the old files in [SYS0...], but then refused to overwrite some files. When I reran and initialized, it worked. My WORD-11 V3.1 queue manager doesn't work now. (It worked fine until I installed the XQP Fix Kit. Wonder if it was just the protection code thingy?) Colorado is researching the problems I've encountered. They figured out the protection code problem, after a long wait while we got a phone circuit so we could talk about it. (Last night was Father's Day.) By the way, I ran AUTOGEN on all nodes after the update. I'll be posting my summary of peoples' suggestions for using AUTOGEN separately, and report what happened when I used a new method of running AUTOGEN. It suffices to say that I had to enter a number of new parameters into MODPARAMS.DAT. :-) Ed <MCGUIRE@GRIN2.BITNET>