dave@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Sherman) (08/28/84)
As part of our CAI project, we will be placing terminals and 1200 baud modems in a number of law libraries across Ontario. The terminals are heavy and bulky enough that I don't expect them to be stolen from government buildings, but I have some concerns about the modems (General Datacomm model 212A/ED). Does anyone have ideas on how to fix a modem to a desk so it can't be stolen, but can still be seen (LED indicators) and heard (speaker)? This particular model doesn't have anywhere where a bolt could obviously be driven though without damaging the modem. In particular, are there - anchor pads? - plastic encasements, such as are used to make wall thermostats untouchable? - some kind of contraption with claws, which lock to hold the modem in place? Any pointers to commercial products would be greatly appreciated. We don't really have the facilities to create anything on our own. Dave Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto (416) 947-3466 -- { allegra cornell decvax ihnp4 linus utzoo }!utcsrgv!dave