JCV@CERNVM.BITNET ("Jan C. Vorbrueggen") (06/26/87)
We're about to install an 8700 with a DEBNT BI-to-Ethernet interface. This machine will also serve as boot node for a number of VAXstation 2000s. I remember reading a message on this list some time ago that a DEBNT wouldn't properly support LAVCs (apart from generally having a low throughput like the DEUNA). Could anyone with experience with DEBNTs please comment? And if it does work, could you say whether anything special was required (eg, special revision levels of hardware/software)? By the way, we will have all our disks on an HSC50 (but not in a cluster). As to whether we can run LAVC on such a configuration, DEC seems to be divided. DEC UK says no (and that's my feeling, too), we'd have to wait for the next release. DEC Switzerland says yes, as long as we don't want to run a cluster over the CI. Hmmm, we'll see in a few days... Thanks in advance, Jan