zar@Hamlet.Caltech.EDU (Dan Zirin) (06/30/87)
$!------------------------------Cut Here------------------------- $ chk = "539345003" $ create nf7.for $ deck/dollars="ThEgReAtZaR" c c Should we purge the working set c read(1,140,err=3,end=3) dat call str$upcase(dat,dat) purgews = .false. if (dat(1:1).eq.'1'.or.dat(1:1).eq.'Y'.or.dat(1:1) 1 .eq.'T') purgews = .true. progress=progress+1 c c Get the denominator for determining critical disk space availability c read(1,*,err=3,end=3) olowdivd if ( goto 3 progress=progress+1 c c Get the disk names to watch c read(1,100,err=3,end=3) disknams i=index(disknams,'!')-1 if ( disknams=disknams(:i) if (.not.opchk) call dskchk(disknams,.true.) if (opchk) call dskchk(disknams,.false.) progress=progress+1 c c Get the names of the Nanny operator terminals c read(1,100,err=3,end=3) oprttys i=index(oprttys,'!')-1 if ( oprttys=oprttys(:i) call opr_par(oprttys) progress=progress+1 c c Get the disable bit mask c read(1,150,err=3,end=3) odisable progress=progress+1 c c Get the function enable bit mask c read(1,150,err=3,end=3) ofunctmsk progress=progress+1 c c Get the names of users to ignore c read(1,100,err=3,end=3) com_file i=index(com_file,'!')-1 if ( com_file=com_file(:i) do i=1,maxig_user ig_user(i) = ' ' end do ig_p = 1 1 continue if (lench(com_file).gt.0) then i=index(com_file,',') if (i.eq.0) i=lench(com_file)+1 ig_user(ig_p)=com_file(:i-1) ig_p=ig_p+1 com_file=com_file(i+1:) if (ig_p.le.maxig_user) goto 1 end if progress=progress+1 c c Get the names of terminals to ignore c read(1,100,err=3,end=3) com_file i=index(com_file,'!')-1 if ( com_file=com_file(:i) do i=1,maxig_term ig_term(i) = ' ' end do ig_p = 1 2 continue if (lench(com_file).gt.0) then i=index(com_file,',') if (i.eq.0) i=lench(com_file)+1 ig_term(ig_p)=com_file(:i-1) ig_p=ig_p+1 com_file=com_file(i+1:) if (ig_p.le.maxig_term) goto 2 end if progress=progress+1 c c Group account preference values c i = 0 5 read(1,100,end=4) com_file if (index(com_file,'!').ne.0) com_file = com_file(:index( 1 com_file,'!')) prefacc(i+1) = com_file(1:8) com_file = com_file(10:) if (lench(com_file).eq.0) goto 5 do while(com_file(1:1).eq.' ') com_file = com_file(2:) end do line_l = lench(com_file) per_loc = index(com_file,'.') if (per_loc.eq.0) goto 5 read(com_file,'(f<line_l>.<line_l-per_loc+1>)',err=5) prefadd( 1 i+1) if (prefadd(i+1).eq.-1.1250) prefadd(i+1) = -1.126 i = i + 1 progress=progress+1 goto 5 4 prefadd(i+1) = 101.0 close(unit=1) c c Everything went ok, so set the common variables and return c sysgrp = osysgrp waitim = owaitim cpu_average = ocpu_average maxidle = omaxidle maxelapsed = omaxelapsed mintim = omintim minio = ominio truewait(1) = otruewait(1) truewait(2) = otruewait(2) maxphymem = omaxphymem lowphymem = olowphymem lowdivd = olowdivd disable = odisable functmsk = ofunctmsk dumy = 1 call output(1,'Logfile initialized') return 3 write(dat,'(i3)') progress+1 call output(2,'Parameter file error on line'//dat) return c c Formats c 100 format(a) 110 format(a15) 120 format(o3) 130 format(a8) 140 format(a1) 150 format(z8) end subroutine oprman(inline,inp_uic,dumy) C C This will set a terminl to receive operator messages or C to terminate operator messages to a terminal(REPLY/ENABLE C or REPLY/DISABLE). c c (c) Zar Ltd. 1985 c parameter ss$_normal = 1 parameter wait_time = '0 0:0:3.0' implicit integer*4 (a-z) include '' include '($dvidef)' include '($iodef)' include '($jpidef)' character*(*) inline character*80 message character*23 oprmes character*12 user,term,tty character*4 funct integer*4 getlis(10),qwait(2),dvilis(4),unit_num integer*2 inp_uic(2),uicc(2),unit integer*2 jbcret byte tty_l,opc$_rq_terme logical*1 dumy,edmask(3) equivalence (opc$_rq_terme,oprmes(1:1)) equivalence (edmask,oprmes(2:4)) equivalence (opc$m_nm_all,oprmes(5:8)),(unit,oprmes(9:10)) equivalence (tty_l,oprmes(11:11)),(tty,oprmes(12:23)) data opc$_rq_terme,opc$m_nm_all/1,'ffffffff'x/ C dumy = nan$_invcom call sys$bintim(wait_time,qwait) C C Get the function(OEN or ODIS) C i=index(inline,' ')+1 funct=inline(1:i-2) inline=inline(i:) if (lench(inline).eq.0) goto 999 do while(inline(1:1).eq.' ') inline=inline(2:) end do i=index(inline,' ')+1 C C Get the process I.D. of the requestor C if (lench(inline).eq.0) goto 999 do while(inline(1:1).eq.' ') inline=inline(2:) end do i=index(inline,' ')-1 read(inline(:i),'(z<i>)',err=999) pidc C C Get the UIC of the requestor C getlis(1) = jpi$_username * 2**16 + 12 getlis(2) = %loc(user) getlis(3) = 0 getlis(4) = jpi$_uic * 2**16 + 4 getlis(5) = %loc(uicc) getlis(6) = 0 getlis(7) = jpi$_terminal * 2**16 + 12 getlis(8) = %loc(term) getlis(9) = 0 getlis(10) = 0 code = sys$setimr(%val(13),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$getjpi(%val(14),pidc,,getlis,,,) if (bug(code,'GETJPI')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$wflor(%val(13),%val(2**13.or.2**14)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') C C Make sure the requestor and the mailbox UICs are the same C if (inp_uic(1).ne.uicc(1).or.inp_uic(2).ne.uicc(2)) then write(message,'(a,o3,a,o3,a)') 'System being violated'// 1 ' by UIC [',inp_uic(2),',',inp_uic(1),']' call output(2,message(:38)) dumy = nan$_nopriv return end if C C Cut up the terminal name C i=index(term,':') if ( goto 888 if (term(1:1).ne.'_') term='_'//term tty=term tty_l=index(tty,':') C C Get the unit number C dvilis(1)=dvi$_unit*2**16 + 4 dvilis(2)=%loc(unit_num) dvilis(3)=0 dvilis(4)=0 code = sys$setimr(%val(13),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$getdvi(%val(14),,tty(:tty_l),dvilis,,,,) if (bug(code,'GETDVI')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$wflor(%val(13),%val(2**13.or.2**14)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') unit=lib$extzv(0,16,unit_num) edmask(1)=0 edmask(2)=0 edmask(3)=0 C C Do the dirty deed C if (funct(:3).eq.'OEN') then edmask(1)=-1 edmask(2)=-1 edmask(3)=-1 code=sys$sndopr(%descr(oprmes(:12+tty_l-1)),%val(mbx2)) if (bug(code,'SNDOPR')$_normal) goto 888 else if (funct.eq.'ODIS') then code=sys$sndopr(%descr(oprmes(:12+tty_l-1)),%val(mbx2)) if (bug(code,'SNDOPR')$_normal) goto 888 end if C C Read from the mailbox for the completion status C code = sys$setimr(%val(13),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 888 code = sys$qio(%val(14),%val(mbx2),%val(io$_readvblk), 1 ,,,jbcret,%val(2),,,,) if (bug(code,'QIO')$_normal) goto 888 code = sys$wflor(%val(13),%val(2**13.or.2**14)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') if ( then if (bug(jbcret,'SNDOPR')$_normal) goto 888 end if code = sys$cancel(%val(mbx2)) call bug(code,'CANCEL') C C We did it! Let's write out a message now. C dumy=1 call output(2,'Command '//funct(:len1(funct))//' requested '// 1 'by '//user(:len1(user))//' completed') return c c Error c 888 code = sys$cancel(%val(mbx2)) call bug(code,'CANCEL') dumy = nan$_retwarn 999 call output(1,'Command '//funct(:len1(funct))//' requested '// 1 'by '//user(:len1(user))//' aborted') return end ThEgReAtZaR $ checksum nf7.for $ if chk.nes.checksum$checksum then write sys$output - "NF7.FOR didn't pass checksum. File may be corrupted." $ if chk.nes.checksum$checksum then exit %x2c $ exit