zar@HAMLET.CALTECH.EDU (Dan Zirin) (06/30/87)
$!------------------------------Cut Here------------------------- $ chk = "1783915820" $ create nf8.for $ deck/dollars="ThEgReAtZaR" subroutine output(out_msk,message) c c Send a specified message to either the logfile or c the logfile and the operator console. c c (c) Zar Ltd. 1985 c parameter ss$_normal = 1 implicit integer*4 (a-z) include '' include '($brkdef)' character*(*) message character*216 oprmsg character*132 mess character*23 datim logical*1 buff(132) equivalence (buff,mess) c c Output the message to the logfile no matter what c open(unit=6,name='SYS$OUTPUT:',carriagecontrol='list',err=2, 1 access='append',recl=512,status='old') goto 3 2 open(unit=6,name='SYS$OUTPUT:',carriagecontrol='list',err=4, 1 recl=512,status='new') 3 call lib$date_time(datim) mess_l=len1(message) if ( mess_l=132 if ( write(6,100) datim//' '//message(:mess_l) if (out_msk.eq.1) goto 1 c c Construct a message for the operator and send it c oprmsg = char(13)//char(10)//char(10)//'%NANNY, '//datim//', '// 1 message(:mess_l)//char(13)//char(7)//char(7)//char(7) do i=1,8 if (lench(consoles(i)).gt.0) then code = sys$brkthru(,%descr(oprmsg(:len1(oprmsg))),%descr( 1 consoles(i)(:len1(consoles(i)))),%val(brk$c_device),,,,, 2 %val(5),,) call bug(code,'BRKTHRU') end if end do code = sys$brkthru(,%descr(oprmsg(:len1(oprmsg))),%descr(opcom), 1 %val(brk$c_device),,,,,%val(5),,) c c Stamp the logfile c if (bug(code,'BRKTHRU')$_normal) write(6,100) ' '// 1 ' OPCOM didn''t receive message' c c Send message to listening mailbox c 1 close(unit=6) if (.not.listen) return mess = message code = sys$cancel(%val(mbx3)) call bug(code,'CANCEL') code = sys$qio(,%val(mbx3),%val('70'x),,,,buff,%val(132),,,,) call bug(code,'QIO') return 4 call sys$exit(%val('123'x)) stop 100 format(a) end c c======================================================================= c subroutine opr_par(oprttys) c c Parse line for terminal names to receive Nanny messages c c (c) Zar Ltd. 1985 c parameter ss$_normal = 1 implicit integer*4 (a-z) include '' character*(*) oprttys c c Loop for tty names c do i=1,8 consoles(i)=' ' end do point=1 1 i=index(oprttys,',')-1 if ( i=lench(oprttys) if ( return consoles(point)=oprttys(1:i) if (consoles(point)(1:1).ne.'_') consoles(point)='_'// 1 consoles(point) point=point+1 if ( return oprttys=oprttys(i+2:) goto 1 end subroutine listener(how) c c Set the LISTEN flag for debugging purposes c c (c) Zar Ltd. 1985 c implicit integer*4 (a-z) include '' integer*4 how c if (how.eq.0) then listen = .false. call output(1,'IGNORE command issued: NANNY$PEEK closed') else listen = .true. call output(1,'LISTEN command issued: NANNY$PEEK opened') end if return end subroutine queman(inline,uic,dumy) c c This will STOP, START, and STOP/REQUEUE batch or print c queues via the $SNDSMB system service. c c (c) Zar Ltd. 1985 c parameter ss$_normal = 1 parameter nan$_invcom = '1d'x parameter nan$_nopriv = '20'x parameter nan$_retwarn = '1c'x parameter wait_time = '0 0:0:3.0' implicit integer*4 (a-z) include '($jpidef)' include '($sjcdef)' character*(*) inline character*80 message character*16 queue character*12 user character*7 funct integer*4 getlis(7),qwait(2),sjclis(7) integer*2 uic(2),uicc(2) logical*1 dumy c c Initialize c dumy = nan$_invcom if (dumy.eq.nan$_invcom) return !Remove when this module is fixed call sys$bintim(wait_time,qwait) c c Get the function c i=index(inline,' ')+1 funct=inline(1:i-2) inline=inline(i:) c c Get the queue name to execute the function on c if (lench(inline).eq.0) goto 999 do while(inline(1:1).eq.' ') inline=inline(2:) end do i=index(inline,' ')+1 if ( goto 999 queue=' ' queue(2:i-2+1)=inline(:i-2) queue(1:1)=char(i-2) inline=inline(i:) c c Get the process I.D. of the requestor c if (lench(inline).eq.0) goto 999 do while(inline(1:1).eq.' ') inline=inline(2:) end do i=index(inline,' ')-1 read(inline(:i),'(z<i>)',err=999) pid c c Get the UIC of the requestor c getlis(1) = jpi$_username*2**16 + 12 getlis(2) = %loc(user) getlis(3) = 0 getlis(4) = jpi$_uic*2**16 + 4 getlis(5) = %loc(uicc) getlis(6) = 0 getlis(7) = 0 code = sys$setimr(%val(15),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$getjpi(%val(16),pid,,getlis,,,) if (bug(code,'GETJPI')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$wflor(%val(15),%val(2**15.or.2**16)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') c c Make sure the requestor and the mailbox UICs are the same c if (uic(1).ne.uicc(1).or.uic(2).ne.uicc(2)) then write(message,'(a,o3,a,o3,a)') 'System being violated'// 1 ' by UIC [',uic(2),',',uic(1),']' call output(2,message(:38)) dumy = nan$_nopriv return end if c c Do the dirty deed c if (funct.eq.'REQUEUE') then sjclis(1) = sjc$_queue * 2**16 + 16 sjclis(2) = %loc(queue) sjclis(3) = 0 sjclis(4) = sjc$_requeue * 2**16 sjclis(5) = 0 sjclis(6) = 0 sjclis(7) = 0 code = sys$setimr(%val(15),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 999 sjcode = sys$sndjbc(%val(16),%val(sjc$_abort_job), 1 ,sjclis,,,) if (bug(sjcode,'SNDJBC')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$wflor(%val(15),%val(2**15.or.2**16)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') else if (funct(:6).eq.'QSTART') then sjclis(1) = sjc$_queue * 2**16 + 16 sjclis(2) = %loc(queue) sjclis(3) = 0 sjclis(4) = 0 code = sys$setimr(%val(15),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 999 sjcode = sys$sndjbc(%val(16),%val(sjc$_start_queue), 1 ,sjclis,,,) if (bug(sjcode,'SNDJBC')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$wflor(%val(15),%val(2**15.or.2**16)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') else if (funct(:5).eq.'QSTOP') then sjclis(1) = sjc$_queue * 2**16 + 16 sjclis(2) = %loc(queue) sjclis(3) = 0 sjclis(4) = 0 code = sys$setimr(%val(15),qwait,,) if (bug(code,'SETIMR')$_normal) goto 999 sjcode = sys$sndjbc(%val(16),%val(sjc$_stop_queue), 1 ,sjclis,,,) if (bug(sjcode,'SNDJBC')$_normal) goto 999 code = sys$wflor(%val(15),%val(2**15.or.2**16)) call bug(code,'WFLOR') end if if (bug(sjcode,'SNDJBC')$_normal) goto 999 c c We did it! Let's write out a message now. c dumy = 1 call output(2,'Command '//funct(:len1(funct))// 1 ' requested by '//user(:len1(user))//' completed') return c c Errors c 999 call output(1,'Command '//funct(:len1(funct))// 1 ' requested by '//user(:len1(user))//' aborted') return end subroutine dayweek(start) c c Assign/system the days of the week c c (c) Zar Ltd. 1985 c parameter ss$_normal = 1 implicit integer*4 (a-z) include '($lnmdef)' character*23 dat,datim character*9 week_day(0:6) integer*4 qdate(2),lnmlis(4) logical*1 start data week_day/'WEDNESDAY','THURSDAY','FRIDAY','SATURDAY', 1 'SUNDAY','MONDAY','TUESDAY'/ c c Define the day of the week c call lib$day(day) day = mod(day,7) call lib$date_time(datim) if (datim(13:14).eq.'00'.or.start) then call str$upcase(dat,week_day(day)) lnmlis(1) = lnm$_string * 2**16 + len1(week_day(day)) lnmlis(2) = %loc(week_day(day)) lnmlis(3) = 0 lnmlis(4) = 0 code = sys$crelnm(,'LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE','TODAY',,lnmlis) call bug(code,'CRELOG') return end if if (start) return c c Reset time because of DST? c if ((datim(4:6).eq.'APR'.or.datim(4:6).eq.'OCT').and. 1 datim(13:14).eq.'02' then call idate(j,i,j) i = 30 - i if (datim(4:6).eq.'OCT') i = i + 1 if (i.le.6) then if (datim(4:6).eq.'OCT') then call sys$bintim('-- 01::.',qdate) else call sys$bintim('-- 03::.',qdate) end if code = sys$setime(qdate) if (bug(code,'SETIME')$_normal) call output(2, 1 'DST time change') end if end if return end ThEgReAtZaR $ checksum nf8.for $ if chk.nes.checksum$checksum then write sys$output - "NF8.FOR didn't pass checksum. File may be corrupted." $ if chk.nes.checksum$checksum then exit %x2c $ exit