[comp.os.vms] DECNET source information on other processes

droper@uacomsci.ua.OZ.AU (Dave Roper) (07/10/87)

Does anyone have a program to return the remote node and id of a process
that has logged in via SET HOST ?

I can get this information about the CURRENT process via the logical names
SYS$REM_NODE and SYS$REM_ID in the job logical name table, but how can I
access the job table of another process ?  It appears that job tables have
names of the form LNM$JOB_<jib> where <jib> is the value of PCB$L_JIB in the
process's Process Control Block, but I don't have enough "internals" experience
to get at other process's PCBs.  If someone has a piece of code to get this
far, then I can take it from there.

Alternatively, this information should be accessible from NETACP via that
undocumented interface with $QIO; has anybody done this ?  (January 1986
PAGESWAPPER has part of the code to do this, but you first need to know the
number of the LINK.)

Many thanks, Dave Roper.
|POST:  Dave Roper             |ACSNET: droper@uacomsci.ua.oz                  |
|       Registry               |ARPANET:droper%uacomsci.ua.oz@seismo.css.gov   |
|       University of Adelaide |BITNET: droper@uacomsci.ua.oz                  |
|       South Australia        |CSNET:  droper@uacomsci.ua.oz                  |
|TELEX: UNIVAD AA 89141        |DECNET: admin1::DROPER                         |
|VOICE: (08) 228-5264          |JANET:  uacomsci.ua.oz!droper@ukc              |
|  O/S: 61 8 2285264           |USENET: ..!seismo!munnari!uacomsci.ua.oz!droper|