[comp.os.vms] Answers To Kernal Mode Macro Problem Resulting In System Crashes...

CLAYTON@xrt.upenn.EDU ("Clayton, Paul D.") (07/13/87)

Information From TSO Financial - The Saga Continues...
Chapter 9 - July 12, 1987

David Stevens has the following code which is a kernal mode routine that is
crashing the system.

        .entry  lat_info,^M<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6>
info:   tstb    srv_name_len
        beql    40$
        movl    ap_name(ap),r3                  ; Get the return name buf addr
        movc3   srv_name_len,srv_name_str,(r3)

40$:    tstb    port_len
        beql    50$
        movl    ap_port(ap),r4                  ; Get the return port buf addr
        movc3   port_len,port_numb,(r4)
        ret                                     ; that's all folks!

In this first case, what I see is that the LENGTH is a BYTE variable that 
is first tested. If I can assume such, then the cause of the crash is due
to the fact that the MOVC3 instruction uses a WORD, not a BYTE, to define the
length of the data string to move. The result of the code above is that the
length is a byte, my assumption, and the next byte after the length you are
pointing to is a NON-ZERO value. The result is CONSIDERABLE more data moved
then expected, followed shortly there after with a resounding crash.

In the code that follows the above section, I noticed as Jerry did that the
registers 2 through 5 are NOT saved in the register mask. BUT in this section
the following WAS done for the length of data to move for the MOVC3.

        movzbw  (r8), port_len                  ;; Get the length of port string
        beql    srvinf                          ;; If Zero length then branch
;; Move the data into the storage area
        movc3   port_len, srv_info_port(r8), (r6)
        movzbw  srv_info_port(r8), srv_name_len
        beql    finish                          ;; If Zero length then branch
        ret                                     ;; back to user mode

The result is the right length being moved but R2,R3,R4 and R5 are replaced
with new values and the next higher code segment, who knows what it may be,
now has rubbish, as far as its concerned, in those registers.

Those two fixes should do the trick if I am reading the code correctly. Hope
these answers help.

Paul D. Clayton - Manager Of Systems
TSO Financial - Horsham, Pa. USA