[comp.os.vms] JANET addresses

CRAA055%UK.AC.KCL.CC.VAXB@AC.UK (07/17/87)

As I have the good (or bad??) fortune to live in the JANET world, I can give
you a sort of answer to the problems of getting stuff back through the various
gateways to the UK. This answer is not complete and Im sure others will add
bits Ive missed... here goes...

1. The gateways that are useful which connect JANET to ARPA/BITNET et al

    UKC    [ uucp ]
    ucl-cs [ ARPA ]

2. Addresses to use:

    user @ site
        In the UK, sitename components are reversed. ie if you are on
        JANET, your mail address might be
        From non-JANET nets, it must be specified as

        UKC is the main node of the uucp network and is usable by uucp
        sites.  It will relay to JANET sites (although Ive found its
        not awfully reliable). eg the above user would be specified as

    user%site @ ucl-cs
        Here site is given in the JANE order ie as
            FRED%UNIV.DEPT.MACH @ ucl-cs

        This particular one tends to be the most reliable.

3. New ones
    There is a new gateway called 'ean-relay' in service or about to be
    in service. I have no details but perhaps the relevant person at
    that site can provide them??

4. Further info

Tim Clark from Warwick univeristy has an electronic document which describes
very well the problems and solutions of network mail to and from JANET. His
address is 'TClark @ UK.AC.WARWICK.DAISY'  (Apologies Tim if you get flooded
you with requests!)

Regards to all,

Andy Harper
Kings College London UK

A.Harper @ UK.AC.KCL.CC.VAXB    [ JANET ]
  (For other nets - see above and practise converting!!)