[comp.os.vms] RAMDISK for VMS!

CGORMAN@DREW.BITNET (Chris Gorman, 201-377-3000 [x 205]) (07/21/87)

This was in the pageswapper a while back and someone here pounded it
in.  Please forgive if this is already available; I be new here!

        -Chris Gorman
         Student Sys$manager
         Drew University Computing Center
         Madison, NJ

--- CUT'N'PASTE ---
 .title format_ramdisk
;Author:   Andrew W. Potter
;          Rochester Institute of Technology
; This program accesses a RAMDISK and allocates an initial
; size in blocks for the memory device.  This size equals
; the amount of pages taken from Non-paged pool.  (ie. If you
; play with this, make sure your NPAGEVIR is set to a big value
; to use, you must connect the pseudo disk driver
;      $ run sys$system:sysgen
      .psect    data,   NOSHR,PIC,NOEXE,WRT
; prompt for device
prompt: .ascid  /RAMDISK Device Name : /
; prompt for blocks
sizepr: .ascid  /Size in Blocks      : /
; ascii block count (input)
s_blk:  .ascid  /     /
; ascii device name (input)
devnam: .ascid  /                /
; longword specifying size.
blocks: .blkl   1
; status block for QIO
istat:  .blkl   2
; Channel for QIO
chan:   .blkw   1
      .psect    code,   SHR,PIC,EXE,NOWRT
      .entry    main    ^M<>
      pushaw    devnam                          ; push address of len. of devnam
      pushaq    prompt                          ; push address of prompt descr.
      pushaq    devnam                          ; push address of device descr.
      calls     #3,g^lib$get_input              ; get input
      blbs      r0,ok_1                         ; if OK then continue
      ret                                       ; otherwise return with status
      pushal    devnam                          ; upcase the response
      pushal    devnam
      calls     #2,g^str$upcase
      pushaw    s_blk                           ; get the size in blocks
      pushaq    sizepr                          ; same way as above
      pushaq    s_blk
      calls     #3,g^lib$get_input              ; get input
      blbs      r0,ok_2                         ; if OK then continue
      ret                                       ; otherwise, get out
      pushal    blocks                          ; convert text size to
      pushaq    s_blk                           ; an unsigned longword
      calls     #2,g^ots$cvt_tu_1
      blbs      r0,ok_3
      $assign_s -                               ; get the channel
        chan = chan, -
        devnam = devnam
      blbs      r0,ok_4
;               Call QIOW directly because we want the
;               P1 parameter to go by value, not by reference
      pushl     #0                              ; p6
      pushl     #0                              ; p5
      pushl     #0                              ; p4
      pushl     #0                              ; p3
      pushl     #0                              ; p2
      pushl     blocks                          ; p1 = size of ramdisk
      pushl     #0                              ; ASTPRM
      pushl     #0                              ; ASTADR
      pushal    istat                           ; IO status block
      pushl     #IO$_FORMAT                     ; function code (format it)
      movzwl    chan,-(sp)                      ; channel
      pushl     #0                              ; EFN (not used)
      calls     #12,sys$qiow                    ; call it
      blbs      r0,end_ok                       ; if OK then continue
      ret                                       ; otherwise get out
      movl      istat,r0                        ; Done.  Leave IO status in r0
                                                ; for cli
      .end      main