[comp.os.vms] printing files from mounted tapes.


>...leading up to my novice question!  Which is: Anyone know if it's
>possible (or how) to PRINT a file directly from tape?  The manual says
>PRINT file_spec; the other manual says MUA10:filename.type is a valid
>file_spec, but the two don't go together.  Neither does re-direction of
>SYS$OUTPUT..?  I imagine VMS would rather not spool a file from tape?

>So, there's my opinion, plus another possibly lame-brained question.

This is a good question that the VMS DOC set only lamely addresses.
Specifically the DOCs say that the print symbiont cannot print files
from disk volumes that not mounted on the cluster system that the printer
is on OR volumes that are mounted privately.

The gotcha here is that ANSI tape volumes cannot be mounted shared to the
system.  The symbiont fails in trying to access the private tape volume.
The only work arround is to set the printer device /SPOOLED so and COPY the
file from the tape to the device. The problem that you may encouter here is
lack of disk space (or disk quota) on the spooling device that may prevent
the copy from completing.

Andrew W. Potter
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Ny. 14623