nagy%warner.hepnet@LBL.ARPA (07/28/87)
>The setup is as following: I am running a process from SYSTEM with all privs >and want to execute a DCL command from an unprivd account GUEST. How can I >... If all you want to do is execute a command under the GUEST account AND this does not need to be done interactively, then the simple solution is to submit a batch job with /USER=GUEST on the SUBMIT command. This will cause the batch job to run under the GUEST account exactly as if user GUEST had submitted the batch job him/herself. = Frank J. Nagy "VAX Guru" = Fermilab Research Division EED/Controls = HEPNET: WARNER::NAGY (43198::NAGY) or FNAL::NAGY (43009::NAGY) = BitNet: NAGY@FNAL = USnail: Fermilab POB 500 MS/220 Batavia, IL @rlgv