MCMAHON@GRIN1.BITNET ("McMahon,Brian D") (07/28/87)
> On an unrelated topic - > Someone wanted to know how to submit notes to info-vax from bitnet. I just > send the note to info-vax at uga. Other sites may send submissions elsewhere. > > Mike Sieweke Possible problem with this: As far as I understand this business of redistribution of ARPANET SIGs (such as INFO-VAX) to BITNET LISTSERV subscribers, it is *one way* only. That is, if you post something directly to a BITNET listserver, it will *not* be forwarded to the Internet side of things, cutting your submission off from a large portion of the INFO-VAX audience. The "officially reccomended" way of dealing with this is to send submissions to INFO-VAX@KL.SRI.ARPA, even if you're at a BITNET site. (Reference the NETINFO:INTEREST-GROUPS documents from the CSNET info server) By the way, I'm still fairly "green," so I may be spouting nonsense here. If so, flame away... Brian McMahon <MCMAHON@GRIN1> User Consultant Coordinator <UCLIB@GRIN1> Grinnell College Box 9-28 Grinnell, IA 50112 . Quit