[comp.os.vms] Wanted: Accounting System for VMS

mrp@smokey.ua.oz (Mark Prior) (08/05/87)

We are looking for a VAX accounting system to report to management
such things as disc use, I/O activity, CPU time as well as billing
users by user name, identification code, image use etc. We need to
summarize information by project and account as well as package use
for royalty payments. Does anyone have such an accounting system
available or know of any on the market, or in the public domain.


Mark Prior                              Phone : +61 8 228 5680
University Computing Services           Telex : UNIVAD AA89141
University of Adelaide                  Fax   : +61 8 224 0464
GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001            ACSnet: mrp@smokey.ua.oz
AUSTRALIA                               PSI   : 282622004::XTMPRIOR

Mark Prior                              Phone : +61 8 228 5680
University Computing Services           Telex : UNIVAD AA89141
University of Adelaide                  Fax   : +61 8 224 0464
GPO Box 498 Adelaide SA 5001            ACSnet: mrp@smokey.ua.oz
AUSTRALIA                               PSI   : 282622004::XTMPRIOR