[comp.os.vms] Spawned privs...


> Date:         30 Jul 87 06:22:32 EDT
> From:         *Hobbit* <AWalker@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
> Subject:      spawned privs
> For testing things in an environment where it can't "grab" any extra
> privileges, copying the CUR to the AUTH mask of the spawned process is the
> quite corrrect behavior.
> the privilege passing mechanism as it stands is a good way to reliably deny
> yourself privs for a process.

(Realistically, how many times a day do you really spawn a subprocess to test
something with privileges denied?  I mean, either you or an associate has
written the code, and you _know_ that it doesn't elevate privs, or you're
testing code you don't have control over--and your testing won't tell you if
it _does_ elevate privs when they are available!)

There are two common reasons to spawn, each of which actually has virtually
opposing privilege copy requirements.

1.  I spawn many, many times each day, to do one operation or another without
    losing my context. For these operations what I really want is a separate
    process that behaves more or less as if it was created from scratch.  It
    annoys me that my symbols, logical names, etc. are copied but my privilege
    masks are not preserved.  The specific annoyance is that I'll have changed
    my privs and then I gotta go to another terminal just because I can't turn
    on an authorized priv.

    No programmer on our staff has ever asked, `how can I create a subprocess
    that has no privileges?'  The question I get from every new programmer very
    early on is, `hey, how come I can't turn on my privileges in the
    subprocess?  I was able to do it yesterday!' or `hey, how come BYPASS stayed
    on when I reset my privileges to normal?  I just blew something away because
    I thought I just turned off all privs!'

    (The second complaint is a natural side-effect of the symbol we've defined
    for programmers that does SET PROC/PRIV='F$GETJPI("","AUTHPRIV")'.)

2.  Applications that are installed with privs and need a subprocess for some
    reason (aside from providing a convenient SPAWN, which comes under category
    1) certainly ought to have complete control over the environment of the
    subprocess, including privs.  Of course, under the current setup, it does
    have control.  Often, it's going to call $CREPRC directly anyway, and
    specify exactly what privs it wants.

I think everyone would be satisfied if LIB$SPAWN had an _option_ to create the
subprocess by $CREPRC'ing with the parent's AUTHPRIV as the initial subprocess
privs, then used the same interface with DCL that it now uses to copy symbols,
etc., to set CURPRIV to the parent's CURPRIV.
---- Ed McGuire, Systems Coordinator, Grinnell College, MCGUIRE@GRIN2.BITNET


>> A Walker writes:
>> the privilege passing mechanism as it stands is a good way to reliably deny
>> yourself privs for a process.

>Ed writes:

>    No programmer on our staff has ever asked, `how can I create a subprocess
>    that has no privileges?'  The question I get from every new programmer very
>   early on is, `hey, how come I can't turn on my privileges in the
>    subprocess?  I was able to do it yesterday!' or `hey, how come BYPASS staye
>    on when I reset my privileges to normal?  I just blew something away becaus
>    I thought I just turned off all privs!'

When I initially posted the query on the spawned process privs, I was pointing
to the LIB$SPAWN option... I tested the problem using GNUEmacs both as a
top-process (meaning that I login and am directly in Emacs..) as well as
keeping it in a fork using Kevin's modified utility. The first option would
have me set the PROC/PRIVS in the LOGIN.COM early on, and in the second case,
if I am in Emacs {M-x spawn-attach} or {C-x C-z} would throw me into a
new-subprocess which cannot map the CUR privs. Certainly many programmers
forget whether they had turned the proc's on OR off. I think Ed is
right topoint off the two situations, and I think future versions should look in
to the option.

                                                Anil Khullar
                                        {Ph.D. Prog in Psychology
                                         C.U.N.Y. Grad. Center.
                                        33 W 42 St. Box 295,
                                         New York NY 10036      }

[DISCLAIMER: They say after Boston there is heaven, I agree; I say after
LispM there is nirvana, they don't. This and other such opinion are
held dearly by me, my employers and the institution I represent do not
necessarily hold that view. I am sole culprit of such fantasies. No living
being is responsible, however unsolicited support is welcome]