[comp.os.vms] Dynamic "Sys$Announce"

adelman@LBL-CSA2.ARPA (Kenneth Adelman) (08/07/87)

	I've been using the trick of redirectly SYS$ANNOUNCE to
a mailbox with an attention AST for some time.	Some comments:

    1) Have your program set up an exit handler to restore the
logical SYS$ANNOUNCE to something NOT pointing at a mailbox.
Otherwise if the program dies no one can log in because LOGINOUT
blocks reading the mailbox.

    2) Be aware that it is best to write everything to the mailbox in
one $QIO and include your own carriage-control. If there are two
simultaneous readers the output can become somewhat garbled.  Even
using one $QIO to write the mailbox, the IO$_WRITEOF is not atomic
with the IO$_WRITEVBLK and it possible that one user gets the banner
displayed twice and the other gets none at all. (DEC; are you
listening? How about an IO$M_WRITEOF modifier for IO$_WRITEVBLK to
make this operation atmoic?).

					Kenneth Adelman

CHAA006@vaxb.rhbnc.ac.UK (08/08/87)

There's been a lot of discussion recently concerning Sys$Announce and
Sys$Welcome, started (I think) by Zar's comment re. maximum text length.
I have been surprised that no-one has suggested the possibility of
having a dynamic Sys$xxx display, automatically generated whenever a
user logs-in. The following (Fortran) code provides that possibility. 
To use it, compile and link in the normal way, run it /detached (so that
it lurks somewhere in your system), and then re-define Sys$Announce as
follows :- 

    $ Define /System Sys$Announce "@''f$logical(""Sys$Announce_Mbx"")'"

Of course, you'll want to modify the actual text it produces.  ** Phil.

Philip Taylor (Royal Holloway & Bedford New College;  University of London; U.K)

       Janet	    :	chaa006@uk.ac.rhbnc.vaxa (or) chaa006@uk.ac.rhbnc.vaxb
			([+Janet.000005181000] or [+Janet.000005181100])

       Arpa	    :	chaa006%vaxa.rhbnc.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk
       (or) 	    :	chaa006%vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk

Bitnet/NetNorth/Earn:	chaa006@vaxa.rhbnc.ac.uk (or) chaa006%rhbnc.vaxa@ac.uk
       (or)	    :	chaa006@vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk (or) chaa006%rhbnc.vaxb@ac.uk

============================== C U T   H E R E ==============================

	program sys$announce
C --- Creates & services a mailbox, defined as the translation of Sys$Announce
	implicit none
	integer * 2 channel
	integer sys$crembx, sys$hiber
	call function (
     &		sys$crembx 
     &			(%val (1), 
     &				channel, , , 
     &					%val ('1131'X), , 
     &						'SYS$ANNOUNCE_MBX'))
	call enable (channel)
	call function (sys$hiber ())

	subroutine enable (channel)
C --- Enables routine AST to deal with ASTs on CHANNEL
	implicit none
	include '($iodef)'
	integer * 2 channel
	integer ast, sys$qiow
	external ast
	call function (sys$qiow
     &		(, %val (channel),%val (io$_setmode .or. io$m_readattn),
     &			, , , ast, channel, , , ,))
	subroutine ast (channel)
C --- Gets a few useful things, and writes them to the mailbox;
C --- also re-declares itself as AST handler
	implicit none
	include '($iodef)'
	include '($syidef)'
	integer * 2 channel
	integer max, n, lib$day_of_week
	integer sys$asctim, lib$getsyi, str$trim, sys$qiow
	character cr, lf
	character * 6 nodename	
	character * 23 datime
	character * 132 buffer
	character * (9) days (7)
	integer length
	data days /'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
     &			'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'/
	cr = char (13)
	lf = char (10)
	call function (lib$day_of_week (, n))
	call function (sys$asctim (, datime, , ))
	call function (lib$getsyi (syi$_nodename, ,nodename, length))
	write (buffer, 9000) nodename (1:length), 
     &			days (n), datime, cr, lf
	call function (str$trim (buffer, buffer, length))
	call function (sys$qiow
     &		(, %val (channel),%val (io$_writevblk),
     &			, , , %ref (buffer), %val (length) , , , ,))
	call function (sys$qiow
     &		(, %val (channel),%val (io$_writeof .or. io$m_now),
     &			, , , , , , , ,))
	call enable (channel)
C --- Change the following line as necessary !!! SYSDEP !!!
 9000	format ('	RHBNC VAX-Cluster on node ', 
     &			A, ' at ', A, X, A, A, A)

	subroutine function (status)
C --- Signals errors if they occur
	implicit none
	integer status
	if (.not. status) call lib$signal (%val (status))