[comp.os.vms] New things at DECUS library


Folks - 
	This is the status report from the DECUS program library of new
things available there.
DECUS Program Library
BP02, 219 Boston Post Road
Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752-1850


                          JULY 20, 1987

FROM:      Betty Cadieux 

DATE:      July 20, 1987 


This Status Report as well as any future reports are to be 
considered an addendum to the present catalog as well as the new 
catalog when it is published.

                        DECUS PROCEEDINGS

For your convenience and information, listed below are the 
current DECUS Proceedings that are available and can be ordered 
through the DECUS office in Marlboro, Massachusetts.  As 
availability changes, this list will be updated.

				       DECUS	       Media
				       Part No.	       Service

U.S. Spring 1986 - Dallas, TX	       PROC-SPRING-86       YA
U.S. Fall 1986 - San Francisco, CA       PROC-FALL-86       YA

                       PROGRAM AVAILABILITY

The following new/revised programs are not listed in the 
1987/1988 Catalog.  See attached abstracts for media 


V-SP-64	     Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, Spring 1987,
VAX-244(R)     Golf Handicap/Information System  
VAX-267	     MAKE Utility For VMS
VAX-269	     FRAGMENT 
11-887	     CLE
11-888	     RSX Indirect and EDT Grab Bag
11-889	     BS-207 Handler for RT-11 and TSX-PLUS


V-SP-64     Symposium Collection from the VAX SIG, Spring 1987, 
Nashville  Version: Spring 1987

Author: Various

Submitted by: J.L. Bingham, Mantech Services Corporation, 
Alexandria, VA 

Operating System: MicroVMS, VAX/VMS  Source Language: BASIC, VAX, 
C, FORTRAN,VAX, MACRO-32  Software Required: Reference may be 
made to previous tapes.  Keywords: Symposia Tapes - VMS

Abstract: This submission contains the programs submitted to the 
VAX Systems SIG tape copy effort at the Spring 1987, DECUS U.S. 
Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee. The programs have been placed 
in two major backup sets named VAX87A and VAX87B as there is too 
much material for one reel at 1600BPI.  Also included is an 
update to VAX000 which contains AAAREADME files and an index into 
previous VAX SIG tapes.  Some material has been compressed, and 
the tapes contain the LZDCM program needed to decompress the 
compressed material. The AAAREADME files in each area note that 
either contains the top level documentation or tells where that 
documentation is.  The following is a brief summary of the 
contents of the tape:


[.ALLIED]	 Command procedures for auto file reorganization
		 crash notif. via mail, SMG interface in BASIC
		 (+ .OLB), system statistics utility.
[.AUBURN]	 A disk defragmenting utility, show
		 interactive processes, modified version of
[.ANLJOHNO]	 Remote DECnet printer support, remote batch
		 support.  Multithreaded "executive" server.
		 DCL preprocessor. Utility to ASCIIze BACKUP
		 savesets for mailing to other sites.  Multinode
		 VMS V4 chargeback accounting sys.
[.BASSETT]	 Loan and investment programs.  Large game
		 collection (compressed into saveset and moved
		 to VAX87B.GAMES).  Golf handicap system.  Kill
		 program (forcex or delete process choice).
		 Menu system on FORTRAN. Reminder. Another
		 WATCHDOG update.
[.BATTELLE]	 All-IN-1 quickly delete A1 accounts. CSVN -
		 change volume set name.  Check_PWexp enforce
             	 password change at login time.  SEARCH - TPE
		 based search util.  TPU procedures to show or 
		 set directory, expand fcn keys like Emacs.
[.BBS]		 Nifty bulletin (somewhat NOTES like) utility
		 for VMS.  Also works across DECnet.
[.BRYANT]	 Enhanced EDT emulator in TPU. Global
		 substitute utility for TPU to allow text
		 substitution in multiple files.
[.BULLV4_0]	 Bulletin utility to allow selective and
		 available system notices.
[.CSC]		 Update to CALC calculator to fix an earlier
[.DOWDIR]	 MAIL/PHONE_book system used at DOW.
		 Includes src so network phonebooks can be
		 better understood.
[.EDISON]	 Accounting report generators.  Batch
		 priority booster to give Batch a burst of
		 priority for once every fifteen minutes.
[.EVEANDEDT]	 An EDT keypad emulator for EVE, a listing
[.FARM_CREDIT]	 Produces banners in Roman or Gothic on
		 lineprinter.  CONTIG - updates to JUICER
		 disk compressor.  Update to WATCHDOG idle
		 terminal killer.
[.FORCE]	 Allows you to stop a program without killing
		 the whole process.  (NOT to be confused with
		 an earlier tape's program called FORCE which
		 forced commands onto another process.)
[.GENDYN]	 LOCK - DCL interface to LOCK service.
		 Useful for coordinating multiple processes
		 via distrib. lock mgr. VT200-KIND - creates
		 DCL symbol showing term. type. CTRL-T - set
		 application specific ^T message.
[.GOULD]	 AUTOMOUNT  update. AUTH_ID security fix from
		 earlier DECUS submission.
[.IIT]		 BYE - forcibly log out users. CHAP - change
		 priority of other users.  FINDFILE - find
		 files by scanning the index file.  FORCEX -
		 Force image exit on a process (even across
		 DECnet).  NOTICES - manage system notices.
		 PASSWD - change passwords from command
[.IMU]		 Rights identifier management utility with
		 AUTHORIZE like control.
[.INTPRCTMO]	 Time out interactive processes which are
[.ISU]		 DELFILES - delete files by directory or
		 UIC. DISK - report free space on disks.
		 ISUEDT - spawn from inside EDT.  ISUPRTSMB -
		 modified print symbiont.  RUNOFF
[.JMU]		 FMS based Bulletin Board system, FMS based
		 calculator program, and unread mail checker.
[.KILL]		 Kill other peoples' processes by username,
		 process name, CPU time, etc.
[KMSKIT]	 System management procedures.  Update to
		 ZEUS.  Convert MacPaint to sixel.  Quick
		 login facility.  Print VT240 screens.
		 SMG libraries.  Neat stuff for LSE or TPU.  
		 Bug fixes for VPW and some new procedures.
[.LBGS87]	 ALL-IN-1 system management tools.  A usable
		 "BECOME user".  Mailcompress utility.  FMS
		 to DCL interface.  Utility to resubmit a batch
		 file IFF not already on a queue.  Clear
		 error counters on devices.
[.LILUG]	 Create index of LaTeX document.  Account/billing 
		 system.  List inactive accounts.  Tape 	
		 read/write card images.  Trim trailing blanks 	
		 off file.  Manipulate DTR line on a modem.  	
		 Group quota maintenance utilities.  Menu 	
		 interface to CMS.  Directory tree draw.  Search 
		 and display string in reverse video.  Printer 
		 setup files.
[.LMSC]		 Utility to give information on a user out of 	
		 UAF.  HOGS - shows CPU hogs.  MASS11 font 
		 update.  Toggle two queues on one device 
		 (w/different forms etc.)  Another WHO.  Send one 
		 line messages to other user.
[.LZW]		 Source and executable of LZW compress programs 
		 used to compress several long submissions on 
		 these tapes.  Documents are in start of the C 
		 source code.  No C compiler needed to use these.
[.MNVAX]	 Cribbage game.  Command files, DTR function
		 showing privileges, statistical program, many
		 TPU extensions, a Video Attribute Text 
		 Formatter, printer controls.
[.NSTL_LUG]	 EDIT/ACL replacement.  AUTOLOG idle terminal
		 killer with better logging, SET/ACL replacement, 
		 incremental backup aids, printer symbiont for 
		 security labels (TS,S,C,U), EDT/TPU update. Fast
		 block I/O for FORTRAN.  LIST all IDs on a 
		 system.  Procedure to delete DCL commands
		 from a user file at login.
[.PAGESWAPPER]	 Pageswapper issues since last DECUS VAX
		 Symposium tape.
[.PWPLUM]	 Menu utility using FMS, in FORTRAN. [.RIT]	
		 Compress and decompress RMS files utility.
		 (May work with LZCMP/LZDCM).  MAKE - a very
		 good VMS MAKE utility.  NETCOPY - like COPY
		 over DECnet but allows secure entry of
		 passwords. PIPE - allows filtering and
		 redirection.  Print files on attached printers.  
		 SETUSER - become another user (if priv'd 
[.SCS]		 MAKE - emulates Microsoft MAKE utility on
		 VAX.  BATCH_ACL - verify that a batch
		 job has proper identifiers.  FTP - Foreign
		 Tape Processor (ASCII or EBCDIC).  Also
		 tape-disk-tape.  LIST - screen lister in
		 TPU, like EDT in readonly mode.  BIGBRO -
		 dynamic user display/modify.  LILBRO -
		 smaller user display.  GRADE - class
		 grading prog.  SMAUG - lower priority of CPU
		 hogs.  GOLLUM - idle process killer.
[.SEALUG]	 NETPRINT - cross network printer fix.
		 MACINTOSH - various MAC utilities
		 uploaded to VAX in MACbinary or XMODEM
		 formats. BINtoXMOD format converter.
[.SOUTH_FLA]	 Command procedure to set a new accounting file
		 each month, program to check for unread mail.
[.STOCKTON]	 Batch queue scheduler.  Reminder system.
		 Idle terminal process killer.  Report on
		 last login time.
[.TELEX]	 Idle terminal monitor.  CPU monitor cross
		 cluster.  HEX object file manipulator.
[.TSO]		 Miscellaneous system utilities from Paul
		 Clayton, TSO Financial, including disk
		 exerciser, struct, privdump...
[.UIF]		 Generic User InterFace system programs from
		 the Nashville session.
[.UNDHEP]	 Base converter for decimal/hex/octal binary.
		 Commands to copy VMS Update media.  EDTINI
		 for use with VT100/VT200, GIGI, or H88.
		 Extension to HELP.  Set ownership utilities.
		 Several programs to handle foreign tapes,
		 especially IBM tapes or display their
		 characteristics.  Show users extension.
[.UTCCDSG]	 Batch mail; text archivers (self unpacking);
		 convert text files to Postscript.  MACpaint
		 display on UIS VMS Workstation.
		 MicroGNUEmacs V lb.  Extract pages from
		 Postscript output file.  Create or unpack Unix 
		 shell archive files.  Convert Tek 4015 to 
[.UTEXAS]	 PROXY - let users make their own proxies.
		 Print symbiont for Apple Laserwriter.  Check 
		 files not altered.
[.VMS_SLIDES]	 Slides used in the VMS Update session. From 
		 Trevor Kempsell, VMS Development.
[.WATCHDOG]	 Upgrade to WATCHDOG idle terminal monitor. 
[.WILLIAMS]	 EVE Extensions with integrated calculator,
		 generic callout facility, access to DCL symbols, 
[.WSIPC]	 SCRIPT command language resubmission.


[.BNELSON]	 KERMIT-11 update, VMSTPC FAST tape to disk
		 to tape utility, Kermit server process, TED
		 editor update.
[.CAROSSO]	 Calendar - appointment calendar.  Dialout
		 utility to connect to other computers.
		 EVE_EDT EDT emulator (Plus some stuff
		 from VTEDIT) and more.  Hershey fonts.
		 Network print symbiont.  Pseudo terminal
		 driver (much improved).  UUCP mail hooks.
[.COY]		 DM directory management program.  SD set
		 default update.  WPS-PLUS emulator for
		 TPU ("Complete").  VT241 color management.
[.DTRSIG]	 Large collection of Datatrieve utilities.
		 Includes accounting conversions, ALL-IN-1
		 log readers, standalone corporate phone
		 directory, various user functions includes:
		 SPAWN, plots, command line recall.
[.ERI]		 Macintosh utilities of interest to sites
		 using both Macintosh and VAXen.
[.GAMES]	 Games from [.BASSETT] and [.MNVAX]. (Protection 
		 set to World:noaccess).
[.GNUEMXV18]	 Update of VMS GNE Emacs, V18. [.RCAS87]	Variety 
		 of vital patches and programs from CSnet (mostly 
		 the INFO-VAX conference).  VMS disassemblers 
		 with sources.  EVE extensions (4 layer keypad, 
		 much more).  TAR reader and writer for VMS tapes 
		 (with exe if you don't have C).  Also some 
		 upgrades (by Marty Sasaki) to VMS VD: virtual 
		 disk driver.  VTedit in TPU from DECUS.  Large 
		 collection of especially useful utilities for 
[.VAXNET]	 VAXnet V12 from DECUS Library.  Now fixes some 
		 bugs and supports Kermit, VAXnet, and XMODEM 

Restrictions:  See documentation on individual programs.  VAX/VMS 
version 4.0 or higher is required to load tape with no file name 

Complete sources not included.

Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tape (PS)  Format: 
VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TC)  Format: VMS/BACKUP


VAX-244     Golf Handicap/Information System  Version: V1.2, June 

Submitted by: Fred Bassett, J. G. Boswell Company, Corcoran, CA 

Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.2 - V4.5  Source Language: VAX COBOL 
Software Required: RDB/VMS, DATATRIEVE, TDMS (not V1.7), Common 
Data Dictionary  Keywords: Games

Abstract: This is a golf handicap/information system.  It 
contains it's own built-in menu and security system.  It can be 
used by persons, clubs and organizations to collect information 
on golf courses either local and remote as to fees and services 
provided.  A complete golfing history is maintained for all 
players defined to the system.  The players' golf score cards are 
entered into the system which will adjust them according to 
current USGA rules and calculate an ongoing handicap for each 
player.  Various reports and queries are provided.

Notes:  Operating System VMS V4.2 or higher is required.

Changes and Improvements:  Connected bugs in program PGMADDSRS. 
System will not work under TDMS V1.7.

Restrictions:  Digital's TDMS V1.7 has bugs which cause this 
system to not run.  VAX/VMS version 4.2 or above is required.

Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: 


VAX-267     MAKE Utility For VMS  Version: 1.7

Submitted by: William T. Dunn, ARGOSystems Inc. 

Operating System: MicroVMS Version 4.2, VAX/VMS Version 4.5  
Source Language: VAX FORTRAN  Software Required: None for 
installation. VAX FORTRAN to recompile sources.  Keywords: Tools 
- Applications Development

Abstract: MAKE is a utility that automates the build portion of 
the program development cycle.  By using a pre-defined set of 
file dependency rules, MAKE determines and executes only those 
commands necessary for rebuilding the software system. For 
example, if a programmer edits an INCLUDE file that is only used 
by 2 out of 7 source files, then only those 2 source files will 
be recompiled.  This utility was written in response to a 
coworkers claims about the usefulness of MAKE on the UNIX 
operating system.

This utility requires system privileges to install.  The verb 
MAKE is added to the DCL command tables and a MAKE.HLP file can 
be added to the system HELP library.  Also a users guide is 
included on the distribution media.

Features included in this version are: 
.  Automatic dependency rule generation. 
.  A macro facility. 
.  STARTUP, BATCH and FINISH directives. 
.  IF-THEN-ELSE directives. 
.  Ability to submit MAKE commands to the Batch Queue.

Media (Service Charge Code): One RX50 Diskette (JA)  Format: 
VAX/ANSI, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: VAX/ANSI


VAX-269     FRAGMENT  Version: 1.0, June 1987

Submitted by: Bob Armstrong, Algonquin College, Ontario, Canada 
K26 IV8 

Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.5  Source Language: C  Memory 
Required: 1000 Virtual Pages  Keywords: Utilities - Disk - VMS

Abstract: FRAGMENT is a tool used by system managers to measure 
the degree of fragmentation on a specified VAX/VMS FILES-11 disk.  
The utility first scans the BITMAP.SYS file on the disk to 
analyze the hole distribution on the disk.  It prints a histogram 
of the hole fragment size as well as a rough distribution of 
where the holes are on the volume. The utility next scans the 
INDEXF.SYS file to determine the degree of file fragmentation on 
the volume.  Some overall file statistics are given and a 
histogram of file fragmentation frequency.  Also file headers of 
files which are fragmented above a specified threshold value are 
printed (in a form similar to the DUMP/HEADER format).

Notes:  Currently only for FILES-11 structure level 2 disks.  
Tested only on RA81 and SA482 disks.  Requires read access to 
[000000]INDEXF.SYS files.

Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: 


11-887     CLE  Version: 6.2

Submitted by: A.J.M. Driessen 

Operating System: RSX-11M V4.2, RSX-11M-PLUS V3.0  Source 
Language: MACRO-11  Memory Required: 15KB  Hardware Required: 
VT100 terminal series  Keywords: Calculators, Calendars, Editors, 
Utilities - RSX-11

Abstract: CLE is a command line editor, which has also built-in 
desktop functions.  It is made for RSX-11M and RSX-11M-PLUS and 
runs on VT100 terminal series only. The program spawns commands 
to the current command line interpreter (MCR, DCL or any other 
CLI).  The last N lines (specified during generation) are stacked 
and can be recalled for spawning or editing.  There are also M 
special lines available for commands.

The editor is EDT like.  Most of the EDT commands are supported.

CLE has the following major functions/options: 
.  Command logging with time and exit status 
.  Defining user commands 
.  String substitution 
.  Chaining of commands 
.  Timer display in upper right corner of screen 
.  Help displays

The desktop functions of CLE are: 
.  Fullscreen calculator with ten memories and
   decimal/octal switch 
.  Calendar with note-blocks for every day 
.  Alarm functions

Notes:  Full duplex terminal with escape sequence recognition is 
required along with get/set multiple characteristics and 
parent/offspring tasking.

Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EA), 600' Magnetic 
Tape (MA)  Format: BRU


11-888     RSX Indirect and EDT Grab Bag  Version: 1.0, June 1987

Submitted by: James J. Fullerton, Institute Logopedics, Research 
Division, Wichita, KS 

Operating System: RSX-11M V4.2  Source Language: EDT, INDIRECT  
Memory Required: 32KW  Software Required: RUNOFF, DATATRIEVE-11.  
Keywords: System Management - RSX-11, Utilities - RSX-11

Abstract: This is a collection of indirect command files, EDT 
initialization files, and HELP files that perform a variety of 
functions from system management to office "automation". Command 
files are available to perform daily backups, UIC allocation, 
memos, letters, base conversions, and help with programming.

Among the more unique items is a command file to interactively 
define a function key on a VT200-series terminal (everything done 
in indirect).  There are also EDT initialization files for 
editing FORTRAN or PASCAL source code files.  These provide some 
VAX LSE-like operations, but unlike LSE, provide commonly used 
items in preference to syntactic items only.

Notes:  Operating System RSX-11M V4.1 or later is required.

Media (Service Charge Code): One RX02 Diskette (LA)  Format: 
FILES-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: FILES-11


11-889     BS-207 Handler for RT-11 and TSX-PLUS  Version: 
January 1987

Submitted by: Dataram Corp, Princeton, NJ 

Operating System: RT-11 V5.01, TSX-PLUS V6.01  Source Language: 
MACRO-11  Hardware Required: BS-207  Keywords: Device Handlers, 

Abstract: BS is a device handler that can be installed under 
RT-11 or TSX-PLUS operating systems.  It makes the Data-Ram 
Corporation Bulk Storage Memory System appear to be a high-speed 

The Macro Assembler code supplied has been tested under RT-11 
version 5.01 and TSX-PLUS version 6.01.  It should also work with 
previous releases of RT-11 back to version 4, and previous 
releases of TSX-PLUS back to version 3.

The handler as supplied supports eight megabytes of BS memory.  
To support more or less, the SIZE parameter must be changed, and 
the handler re-assembled and re-linked.

Driver Specifications: 
.  RT-11 DEVICE ID number:   	       174(8) 
.  CSR base address:  		       177460 
.  Vector address:  		       204 
.  Handler size (approx):  	       120(10) words 
.  RT-11 Features supported:
		 -System Device Support
		 -Memory Management
.  Requires EIS hardware 
.  Hardware bootstrap

This handler supports use as a system device.  In many cases, 
significant performance improvement will occur by loading 
operating system software onto the BS device, making it bootable, 
then booting it.

The RT-11 "device identification number" is set to 174 to allow 
application programs to identify this device.

Notes:  This handler does not zero-fill short blocks (less than 
512 bytes) written to it.  Thus the contents of the "non-written" 
portion of the block is unpredictable when it is read as a whole 
block.  In practice, this does not appear to be a problem with 
the operating system, nor application programs.  It does, 
however, cause problems with some editors , e.g., KED, which 
write a short block at the end of the edited file upon exiting.

Media (Service Charge Code): One RX02 Diskette (LA)  Format: 
RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: RT-11