[comp.os.vms] Checking LOGINOUT.EXE for hackers-patches.


        Checking LOGINOUT.EXE for hackers-patches

        On the VMS 4.4 distribution tape I located LOGINOUT.EXE in
        the saveset REQUIRED.
        On the VMS 4.5 distribution tape I found LOGINOUT.VUP in
        the saveset VMS045.B.
        I copied the files to an empty work directory and tried
        to patch my private copy of LOGINOUT.EXE. Well, that didn't
        work at all. Using the command

                $ PATCH LOGINOUT.VUP
        resulted in the message:

        %PATCH-F-BADIDENT, unable to patch image with ident of R4

        Question number one:
                Obviously I gave the wrong command or some editing
                in LOGINOUT.VUP is necessary?

        Ok, suppose I succeeded at last and I have a brand-new
        fresh unhacked LOGINOUT.EXE.

        Question number two:
                Is there a good way to compare this file with our suspected
                cluster-wide LOGINOUT.EXE?
                Perhaps the command DIFFERENCE/MODE=HEXADECIMAL or is there
                a better way?

Tel. +31-8370-  .KeesdeGroot   (DEGROOT@HWALHW50.BITNET)  o\/o  THERE AINT NO
     (8)3557/   Wageningen Agricultural University         []   SUCH THING AS
        4030    Computer-centre, the Netherlands          .==.  A FREE LUNCH!

DISCLAIMER:     My opinions are my own alone and do not represent
                any official position of my employer.

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