If you are getting checksums for image (.EXE) files, then you should use the /IMAGE qualifier of the CHECKSUM command. This causes CHECKSUM to perform a section-by-section checksum with an overall checksum at the end. Various things like link date/time are NOT included in the checksum, so (as far as I know) only the program data and code is checked. I did a CHECKSUM/IMAGE on the LOGINOUT and SHOW files for three of our systems (780, 750 and a Common system disk for a cluster), and I got the same values for both in all cases. The values are given below. Running the PATCH utility on a program (without making any changes) will not change the checksum/image, nor will relinking the code. The CHECKSUM/IMAGE command will output its results to the screen, but will also set the symbol CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM as a decimal string. LOGINOUT 07E3E8B4 SHOW 2A04A046 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Wade Bitnet: twade@ccvax.ucd.hea.irl Systems Programmer Ean: twade@ccvax.ucd.irl Computer Center PSI: PSI%+27243154000712::TWADE University College Dublin Telex: (0500) 91196 UCD EI Ireland. Uucp: !mcvax!euroies!twade%ccvax.ucd.hea.irl Voice: +353-1-693244 Ext 2456 Last Resort: twade@irlearn.bitnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I need warp drive in 3 minutes, or we're all dead."