[comp.os.vms] ALL-IN-1 / ONTYME interface

gecavion%info1.DECnet@WPAFB-INFO2.ARPA ("INFO1::GECAVION") (08/19/87)

Sender : Mr Mark C Smith
         Airborne Display Division
         GEC Avionics Ltd
         Rochester, Kent, United Kingdom.
         Ph 634-44-400 extn 3056

Please address replies to : GECAVION@WPAFB-INFO1.ARPA

Does anybody know of a VAX/VMS software package that provides an automatic
interface between VAX ALL-IN-1 and ONTYME (the McDonnell Douglas public
electronic mail system), or has anybody managed to interface ALL-IN-1 
Message Router X.400 gateway (QxZ66-UZ) to ONTYME?

I am looking for a package similar to the DEC product;

             Title : VAXpost
            SPD No : AA.10.00
VAX 11/780 Part No : QGEHD-UZ

That provides an ALL-IN-1 interface via VAX Message Router and VAX PSI to
DIALCOM and BT GOLD public electronic mail systems.

I am aware of the DEC product;

Title : VAX MAILGATE TM for MCI Mail
SPD No : 27.34.00
But do not believe this to be suitable for our requirement.

Many Thanks - Mark C Smith
