[comp.os.vms] Changing File Protection


        Listmember Jerry Keough (keough@mitre-bedford.arpa) writes:

>       Would anyone have source code for changing file protections from
>within an executing program?  We're aware of access to these through
>QIOs and the information in volume 10A on I/O programming, but perhaps
>someone has already written a simple interface for getting at file



        Someone indeed has: DEC.  But this applies only only if you have
VAX C.  (Or may be not: I heard that DEC ships its run-time libraries
with VMS, rather than the compiler, so you might have the C run-time
libraries even though you may not have VAX C.  The library of interest
is SYS$LIBRARY:VAXCRTL.OLB, or it's shareable image cousin,
SYS$SHARE:VAXCRTL.EXE)  Anyway, there is a function in the VAX C
run-time library, "chmod()", that does what you want.  The C declaration
of the function is:

        int             chmod(filespec, mode)
        char            *filespec;
        unsigned        mode;

<filespec> is the file specification of the file you want to change the
protection of and <mode> is the new protection.  The <mode> value is
constructed by performing an "or" between the following values (note
that these are -octal- values; in C, a leading 0 signifies an octal

        mode    protection
        ----    ----------
        0400    owner: READ
        0200    owner: WRITE
        0100    owner: EXECUTE
        0040    group: READ
        0020    group: WRITE
        0010    group: EXECUTE
        0004    world: READ
        0002    world: WRITE
        0001    world: EXECUTE

        If <mode> is 0, the user's default protection is used.  The
system is given the same privileges as the owner, and a WRITE privilege
also enables the DELETE privilege.  You must have WRITE privilege to the
file to be changed; the function returns 0 if the change was successful,
-1 if it wasn't.

        To call this routine from another language, you'd have to pass
it the address of a null-terminated array of characters for <filespec>
and the proper mask for <mode> (by immediate value).

        The function is described in Section 25 of the VAX C manual.



Rahul Mangaldas (rmangaldas@clarku.bitnet)
Box 1311, Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610-1477