c MODEM7-type program to send and c receive files with checksums or CRC and automatic c re-transmission of bad blocks. c translated to VAX Fortran V3.0 from TMODEM.C by c and enhanced according to time-outs and CRC C in XMODEM50.ASM c J.James Belonis II c Physics Hall FM-15 c University of Washington c Seattle, WA 98195 c c TMODEM.C written by Richard Conn, Eliot Moss, and Lauren c Weinstein c c 6/30/83 Modified, restructured, and VAX/VMS text file c conversion added by Richard Conn c 1/17/83 touched up filename display and comments. c 1/14/83 including timeouts and CTRL-X cancellation c and CRC capability c c keeps a log file of error messages ( deletes it if no errors ) c sets terminal driver to eightbit, passall c may need altypeahd if faster than 1200 baud works to 9600 baud at least. c needs PHY_IO privilege for passall ? apparently not on UWPhys VAX c nor on ACC VAX c many debugging statements left in as comments c declare variables include 'QIO.DCK/list' character*80 line, file, workf integer sloc, worklen logical filedel common /filest/filedel integer errorcount common /err/errorcount integer high,low common /crcval/high,low logical crc integer checksum common /checks/checksum,crc equivalence (checksum,checksumbyte) equivalence (ic,c) c define ascii characters parameter NUL=0 !ignore at SOH time parameter SOH=1 !start of header for sector parameter EOT=4 !end of transfer parameter ACK=6 !acknowlege sector parameter NAK=21 !not acknowlege sector parameter CAN=24 !cancel transfer parameter CRCCHAR='C' !CRC indicating character c timeouts parameter respnaklim=10 !seconds to allow for response to NAK parameter naklim=10 !seconds to allow to receive first NAK parameter eotlim=10 !seconds to wait for EOT acknowlege parameter errlim=10 !max errors on a sector c define an exit routine to get control on all exits to turn off c passall and for debug cleanup external giveup call userex( giveup ) print *,' XMODEM Version 5.1 on VAX VMS' c log file for debugging open(8,file='XMODEM.LOG',carriagecontrol='LIST',status='NEW') c assign terminal channel for QIO calls to send raw bytes. call sys$assign('TT',chan,,) c name work file workf='XMODEM.WRK ' worklen=10 ! number of chars in file name c get command line call lib$get_foreign(line,'$_XMODEM Command: ',) c trim blanks do i=80,1,-1 if(line(i:i).NE.' ') goto 25 len=i enddo 25 continue c set to NOT delete working file filedel=.false. c send sloc=index(line,'S ') if(sloc.EQ.1) then file=line(sloc+2:) len=len-2 crc=.false. print *,' Sending File: ',file(1:len) call sendfile(file,len) call exit endif c send text sloc=index(line,'ST ') if(sloc.EQ.1) then file=line(sloc+3:) len=len-3 crc=.false. print *,' Sending Text File: ',file(1:len) call vtoc(file,workf) filedel=.true. !delete working file when done call sendfile(workf,worklen) call exit endif c send with CRC sloc=index(line,'SC ') if (sloc.EQ.1) then file=line(sloc+3:) len=len-3 crc=.true. print *,' Sending File: ',file(1:len),' using CRCs' call sendfile(file,len) call exit endif c receive with checksum sloc=index(line,'R ') if(sloc.EQ.1) then file=line(sloc+2:) len=len-2 crc=.false. print *,' Receiving File: ',file(1:len) call recvfile(file,len) call exit endif c receive text with checksum sloc=index(line,'RT ') if(sloc.EQ.1) then file=line(sloc+3:) len=len-3 crc=.false. print *,' Receiving Text File: ',file(1:len) call recvfile(workf,worklen) filedel=.true. !delete working file when done call ctov(workf,file) call exit endif c receive with CRC sloc=index(line,'RC ') if(sloc.EQ.1) then file=line(sloc+3:) len=len-3 crc=.true. print *,' Receiving File: ',file(1:len),' using CRCs' call recvfile(file,len) call exit endif c else bad command print *,' Invalid XMODEM Command --' print *,' Usage: XMODEM <S, ST, SC, R, RT, or RC> <file> ' print *,' S = Send, R = Receive, C = Use CRCs' print *,' T = Convert CP/M to VAX/VMS and VAX/VMS to CP/M Text Files' call exit end c---------------------------------------------------------------- c send file subroutine sendfile(file,len) c declare variables include 'QIO.DCK' character*80 file byte sector(130), c integer blocknumber, nakwait, stat, ic logical ttyinlim logical charintime, acked logical filedel common /filest/filedel integer errorcount common /err/errorcount integer high,low common /crcval/high,low logical crc integer checksum common /checks/checksum,crc equivalence (checksum,checksumbyte) equivalence (ic,c) c define ASCII characters parameter NUL=0 parameter SOH=1 parameter EOT=4 parameter ACK=6 parameter NAK=21 parameter CAN=24 parameter CRCCHAR='C' c timeouts parameter respnaklim=10 parameter naklim=10 parameter eotlim=10 parameter errlim=10 open(6,name=file(1:len),iostat=stat,status='OLD') c 1 carriagecontrol='NONE',recordtype='FIXED',recl=128) if(stat) then print *,'Can''t open',file(1:len),' for send.' call exit endif if(crc) then print *,' CRC Transfer Mode' else print *,' Checksum Transfer Mode' endif print *,file(1:len),' Open -- Please Run Your Receiver --' print * errorcount=0 blocknumber=1 nakwait=0 c await first NAK (or 'C') indicating receiver is ready 200 charintime=ttyinlim(c,1,naklim) ! return NUL if timeout c print *,' character=',c if( .NOT.charintime ) then nakwait=nakwait+1 c give the turkey 80 seconds to figure out how to receive a file if(nakwait.EQ.80) call cancel goto 200 elseif(c.EQ.NAK) then crc=.false. elseif(c.EQ.CRCCHAR) then crc=.true. elseif(c.EQ.CAN) then call cancel else c unrecognized character nakwait=nakwait+1 if(nakwait.eq.80) call cancel goto 200 endif 300 continue c send new sector read(6,1000,end=500) (sector(i),i=1,128) 1000 format(128a) errorcount=0 c print *,' sector as read',sector 400 continue c send sector c print *,' SOH ' call ttyout(SOH,1) call ttyout(blocknumber,1) call ttyout( not(blocknumber),1 ) c print *,' blocknumber=',blocknumber checksum=0 call clrcrc c separate calls to slow down in case other end slow (can even introduce c delay between characters). c do i=1,128 c call ttyout(sector(i),1) c enddo call ttyout(sector,128) c calc checksum or crc if(crc) then c put all bytes + two finishing zero bytes through updcrc sector(129)=0 sector(130)=0 call updcrc( sector,130 ) call ttyout(high,1) call ttyout(low,1) else do i=1,128 checksum=checksum+sector(i) enddo c this sends low order byte of checksum call ttyout(checksum,1) c print *,' checksum',checksum endif c sector sent, see if receiver acknowleges c getack attempts to get ACK c if not, repeat sector c print*, ' should wait for ACK 10 seconds' call getack(acked) c print*, ' getack returned=',acked if(.NOT.acked) goto 400 c ACK received, send next sector blocknumber=blocknumber+1 goto 300 c end of file during read. finish up sending. 500 continue call ttyout(EOT,1) c getack attempts to get ACK up to errlim times call getack(acked) if( .NOT.acked ) goto 500 c print *,' Sending complete.' if (filedel) then close(6,dispose='DELETE') else close(6) endif close(8,dispose='DELETE') return end c---------------------------------------------------------------- c receive file subroutine recvfile(file,len) c declare variables include 'QIO.DCK' character*80 file byte sector(130), c, notc, checksumbyte, ck integer blocknumber, inotc, notnotc, secbytes, stat integer testblock, testprev, ic logical ttyinlim logical charintime, firstsoh integer errorcount common /err/errorcount integer high,low common /crcval/high,low logical crc integer checksum common /checks/checksum,crc equivalence (checksum,checksumbyte) equivalence (ic,c) c define ASCII characters parameter NUL=0 parameter SOH=1 parameter EOT=4 parameter ACK=6 parameter NAK=21 parameter CAN=24 parameter CRCCHAR='C' c timeouts parameter respnaklim=10 parameter naklim=10 parameter eotlim=10 parameter errlim=10 open(7,name=file(1:len),recl=128,status='NEW',iostat=stat, 1 carriagecontrol='NONE',recordtype='FIXED') if(stat) then print *,' Can''t open ',file(1:len),' for recieve.' call exit endif print *,' Please Send Your File --' print * call passall(CHAN,.TRUE.) secbytes=129 if(crc) then secbytes=130 endif firstsoh=.false. errorcount=0 blocknumber=1 c start the sender by letting ttyinlim time-out in getack routine c so it sends a NAK or C goto 999 800 continue c write(8,*) ' ready for SOH' c must allow enough time for other's disk read (xmodem50.asm allows 10 sec) charintime=ttyinlim(c,1,respnaklim) c if no char for a while, try NAK or C again if( .NOT.charintime ) then c print*,' no response to NAK or C, trying again' write(8,*) ' no response to NAK or C, trying again' goto 999 endif c else received a char so see what it is if(c.eq.NUL) goto 800 ! ignore nulls here for compatablity with old ! versions of modem7 if(c.EQ.CAN) then print *,' Canceled. Aborting.' write(8,*) ' Canceled. Aborting.' call exit endif c write(8,*) ' EOT or SOH character=',c if(c.NE.EOT) then IF(c.NE.SOH) then write(8,*) ' Not SOH, was decimal ',c goto 999 endif firstsoh=.true. c character was SOH to indicate start of header c get block number and complement call ttyin(c,1) c write(8,*) ' block=',c call ttyin(notc,1) c write(8,*) ' block complement=',notc inotc=notc ! make integer for "not" function notnotc=iand( not(inotc),255 ) ! mask back to byte c c is low order byte of ic via equivalence statement if(ic.NE.notnotc) then write(8,*) ' block check bad.' goto 999 endif c block number valid but not yet checked against expected c clear checksum and CRC checksum=0 call clrcrc c receive the sector and checksum bytes in one call (for speed). c secbytes is 129 for checksum, 130 for CRC call ttyin(sector,secbytes) if(crc) then c put data AND CRC bytes through updcrc call updcrc(sector,secbytes) c if result non-zero, BAD. if(iand(high,255).NE.0 1 .OR.iand(low,255).NE.0) then c write(8,*) ' CRC, high,low=' c write(8,3000) high,low c 3000 format(2z10) goto 999 endif else c don't add received checksum byte to checksum do i=1,secbytes-1 checksum=checksum+sector(i) enddo ck=sector(129) c write(8,2100) ck c write(8,2100) checksum c write(8,2100) checksumbyte c 2100 format(' checksum=',z10) if( checksumbyte.NE.ck ) then write(8,*) ' bad checksum' goto 999 endif endif c received OK so we can believe the block number, see which block it was c mask it to be one byte testblock=iand(blocknumber,255) testprev=iand( blocknumber-1 ,255) if( ic.EQ.testprev) then write(8,*) ' prev. block again, out of synch' c already have this block so don't write it, but ACK anyway to resynchronize goto 985 elseif( ic.NE.testblock ) then write(8,*) ' block number bad.' goto 999 endif c else was expected block c write before acknowlege so not have to listen while write. write(7,2000,err=900) (sector(i),i=1,128) 2000 format(128a) goto 975 900 write(8,*) ' Can''t write sector. Aborting.' print*, ' Can''t write sector. Aborting.' call exit 975 continue c recieved sector ok, wrote it ok, so acknowlege it to request next. blocknumber=blocknumber+1 c comes here if re-received the previous sector 985 continue errorcount=0 c write(8,*) ' ACKing, sector was ok.' call ttyout(ACK,1) goto 800 c else error so eat garbage in case out of synch and try again 999 continue call eat write(8,*) ' receive error NAK, block=',blocknumber if(crc.AND..NOT.firstsoh) then c keep sending 'C' 'til receive first SOH call ttyout(CRCCHAR,1) else call ttyout(NAK,1) endif errorcount=errorcount+1 998 if(errorcount.GE.errlim) then print*,' Unable to receive block. Aborting.' write(8,*) ' Not receive block. Aborting.' c delete incompletely received file close(7,dispose='DELETE') call exit endif c retry goto 800 endif c EOT received instead of SOH so file done. c should keep sending ACK 'til no more EOT's ? close(6) close(7) call ttyout(ACK,1) call ttyout(ACK,1) call ttyout(ACK,1) c write(8,*) ' Completed.' c print *, ' Completed.' c transfer ok, so delete the error log file. c close(8,status='DELETE') close(8,dispose='DELETE') return end c------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine ctov(input,output) c convert file of XMODEM 128 byte records with embedded <CR><LF> c marking end-of-line and CTRL-Z marking end-of-file c to carriage-control=LIST (normal VAX editable file) character*80 input,output character*300 line character*1 CR,LF,recchar integer blank logical eof, eol logical filedel common /filest/filedel data eof,eol/.false.,.false./ CR=char(13) LF=char(10) open(6,file=input,status='OLD') c set maximum output record length to 300 (fortran default is 133) open(7,file=output,status='NEW',carriagecontrol='LIST',recl=300) c getchar (read new record if no input characters left) c if EOF on input, write line and exit c if CR then c if getchar LF then write line c else put back char and putchar CR into line (error if too long) c endif c else putchar (write error message if line too long) c endif c loop 100 call getc(recchar,eof,eol) if(eof) goto 200 if(recchar.eq.CR) then c PRINT *,' CR' call getc(recchar,eof) if(eof.or.recchar.ne.LF) then call putback len=len+1 if(len.ge.301) print *,' Out line too long.' c print*,' too long line=',line line(len:len)=recchar else c was LF c PRINT *,' LEN=',LEN c print*,' after LF, line=',line(1:len) write(7,2000) line(1:len) len=0 endif else c not CR, was "ordinary" character len=len+1 if(len.ge.301) then print *,' Out line too long.' c PRINT *,' LINE=',LINE(1:len) endif line(len:len)=recchar endif go to 100 c flush last line and exit 200 continue if(len.ne.0) then write(7,2000) line(1:len) 2000 format(a) endif if (filedel) then close(6,dispose='DELETE') else close(6) endif close(7) return end c------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine vtoc(input,output) c convert VAX text file to c file of XMODEM 128 byte records with embedded <CR><LF> character*80 input,output character*1 CR,LF,c integer blank logical eof,eol data eof,eol/.false.,.false./ CR=char(13) LF=char(10) open(6,file=input,status='OLD') open(7,file=output,status='NEW',carriagecontrol='LIST', 1 recl=128,recordtype='FIXED') c getchar (read new line if no input characters left) c putchar ( output record if full, close if EOF ) c if EOL on input, putchar CR putchar LF (output record if full) c loop 100 call getv(c,eof,eol) if(.not.eol) then call putchar(c,eof) if(eof) then return endif else c end of line call putchar(CR,eof) call putchar(LF,eof) eol=.false. if(eof) then return endif endif go to 100 end c------------------------------------------ subroutine putchar(c,eof) character*1 c logical eof c put character into record (write record if necessary) c if eof, fills out rest of record with CTRL-Z's and exits character*1 CTRLZ character*128 record integer point common /reccom/point,record data point/0/ if(eof) goto 200 point=point+1 c strip parity in case VAX file had it record(point:point)=char(iand(ichar(c),127)) c print*,' record(point:point)=',record(point:point) c print*,' point=',point 50 if(point.ge.128) then c print*,' record=',record 100 write(7,1000) record 1000 format(a) point=0 endif return c EOF fill record with 26's (CTRL-Z, CP/M end of file mark for ASCII) c output last record and exit 200 continue c print*,' in putchar EOF section' CTRLZ=char(26) do i=point+1,128 record(i:i)=CTRLZ enddo c print*,' record=',record write(7,1000) record close(6) close(7) return end c------------------------------------------ subroutine getc(c,eof) c get character from a CP/M text file character*1 c logical eof c point to next character in record (read record if necessary) character*128 record character*1 CTRLZ integer point logical firsttime common /reccom/point,record,firsttime data point/0/ data firsttime/.true./ CTRLZ=char(26) point=point+1 if(point.gt.128.or.firsttime) then firsttime=.false. 100 read(6,1000,end=200) record 1000 format(a) c PRINT *,RECORD point=1 endif c strip parity in case CP/M file had it c=char(iand(ichar(record(point:point)),127)) if(c.eq.CTRLZ) eof=.true. return 200 eof=.true. return end c------------------------------------------- subroutine getv(inchar,eof,eol) character*1 inchar logical eof,eol c get character from input line (read line if necessary) c returns character and eol=.true. if no more char on line c returns eof if end of file (no character) character*255 line integer len, pos logical firsttime common/lincom/pos,len,line data pos/0/ if(pos.eq.0) then read(6,1000,end=100)len,line(1:len) 1000 format(q,a) c print*,' line=',line endif pos=pos+1 if(pos.gt.len) then eol=.true. pos=0 return endif c print*,' pos=',pos,' line(1:pos)=',line(1:pos) c print*,' line(pos:pos)=',line(pos:pos) inchar=line(pos:pos) c print*,' pos,char',pos,inchar return c EOF 100 continue eof=.true. return end c---------------------------------------------- subroutine putback c point to previous input character so this character will be getchar result c even works if 1st char of record integer point logical eof common /reccom/point point=point-1 return end c----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine clrcrc c clears CRC integer high,low common /crcval/high,low high=0 low=0 return end c----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine updcrc(bbyte,n) byte bbyte(*) integer n c updates the Cyclic Redundancy Code c uses x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1 as recommended by CCITT c and as used by CRCSUBS version 1.20 for 8080 microprocessor c and incorporated into the MODEM7 protocol of the CP/M user's group c c during sending: c call clrcrc c call updcrc for each byte c call fincrc to finish (or just put 2 extra zero bytes through updcrc) c result to send is low byte of high and low in that order. c c during reception: c call clrcrc c call updcrc all bytes PLUS the two received CRC bytes must be passed c to this routine c then zero in high and low means good checksum c c see Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentiss-Hall, 1981 c c must declare integer to allow shifting integer byte integer high integer low common /crcval/high,low integer bit,bitl,bith c write(8,*) ' inside updcrc' do i=1,n c write(8,*) high,low,byte' c write(8,1000),high,low,bbyte 1000 format(3z10) byte=bbyte(i) do j=1,8 c get high bits of bytes so we don't lose them when shift c positive is left shift bit =ishft( iand(128,byte), -7) bitl=ishft( iand(128,low), -7) bith=ishft( iand(128,high), -7) c write(8,*) 'bit,bitl,bith' c write(8,1000),bit,bitl,bith c get ready for next iteration newbyte=ishft(byte,1) byte=newbyte ! introduced dummy variable newb ! to avoid "access violation" c write(8,*) ' byte ready for next iteration' c write(8,1000),byte c shift those bits in low =ishft(low ,1)+bit high=ishft(high,1)+bitl c write(8,*),' high,low after shifting bits in' c write(8,1000),high,low if(bith.eq.1) then high=ieor(16,high) low=ieor(33,low) c write(8,*) ' high,low after xor' c write(8,1000) high,low endif enddo enddo return end c----------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine fincrc c finish CRC calculation for sending result in high, low c merely runs updcrc with two zero bytes c integer high,low c common /crcval/high,low c c byte=0 c call updcrc(byte) c call updcrc(byte) c return c end c----------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE TTYIN(LINE,N) BYTE LINE(*) INTEGER N C READ CHARACTERS FROM TERMINAL C MODIFIED BY BELONIS TO REMOVE PRIVILEGE C MAY HAVE PROBLEM WITH TYPE-AHEAD c should convert to time-out properly with loops in main ? INCLUDE 'QIO.DCK' c INCLUDE '($SSDEF)' parameter ss$_timeout='22c'x INTEGER I INTEGER SYS$QIOW INTEGER*4 terminators(2) c logical crc c integer checksum c common /checks/checksum,crc EXTERNAL IO$M_NOECHO,IO$_TTYREADALL,IO$M_TIMED DATA terminators/0,0/ C write(8,*) ' inside ttyin, N=',N I = SYS$QIOW(, !EVENT FLAG - %VAL(CHAN), !CHANNEL - %VAL(%LOC(IO$_TTYREADALL).OR. - %LOC(IO$M_NOECHO)), ! .OR.%LOC(IO$M_TIMED)), - STATUS,,, - LINE, !BUFFER - %VAL(N), !LENGTH - , ! max time beware other disk time - ! and Quit or Retry time - terminators,,) !no terminators c if(crc) then c write(8,1000) (LINE(j),j=1,N) c write(8,*) ' status=',STATUS c else c write(8,2000) (line(j),j=1,N) c write(8,*) ' status=',status c endif 1000 format(' ttyin=',6(20z3/),10z3) 2000 format(' ttyin=',6(20z3/),9z3) c if(STATUS(1).EQ.SS$_TIMEOUT) THEN c write(8,*) ' 10 second timeout in ttyin' c print*, ' 10 second timeout in ttyin' c call exit c endif IF (I) THEN c write(8,*) ' returning from ttyin' return endif C C ERROR write(8,*) ' ttyin error.' CALL SYS$EXIT( %VAL(I) ) END c----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine eat c eats extra characters 'til 1 second pause used to re-synch after error byte buffer(135) integer numchar logical i,ttyinlim c parameter maxtime=1 c in case mis-interpreted header, allow at least 1 block of garbage numchar=135 i=ttyinlim(buffer,numchar,maxtime) c print*,' finished eating' c write(8,*) ' finished eating' return end c----------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL FUNCTION TTYINLIM(LINE,N,LIMIT) BYTE LINE(*) INTEGER N,LIMIT C READ CHARACTERS FROM TERMINAL C WITH TIME LIMIT, RETURN FALSE IF NO CHARACTERS C RECEIVED FOR LIMIT SECONDS C MODIFIED BY BELONIS TO REMOVE PRIVILEGE PROBLEM C MAY HAVE PROBLEM WITH TYPE-AHEAD INCLUDE 'QIO.DCK' c INCLUDE '($SSDEF)' ! defines error status returns parameter ss$_timeout='22c'x INTEGER I INTEGER SYS$QIOW INTEGER*4 terminators(2) EXTERNAL IO$M_NOECHO,IO$_TTYREADALL,IO$M_TIMED DATA TERMINATORS/0,0/ C c write(8,*) ' inside ttyinlim' TTYINLIM=.TRUE. ! DEFAULT no delay over LIMIT seconds I = SYS$QIOW(, !EVENT FLAG - %VAL(CHAN), !CHANNEL - %VAL(%LOC(IO$_TTYREADALL).OR. - %LOC(IO$M_NOECHO).OR.%LOC(IO$M_TIMED)), - STATUS,,, - LINE, !BUFFER - %VAL(N), !LENGTH - %VAL(LIMIT), !time limit in seconds - terminators,,) !no terminators c print*,' ttyinlim=',(LINE(j),j=1,N), ' STATUS=',STATUS c write(8,*) ' ttyinlim=',(LINE(j),j=1,N), ' STATUS=',STATUS if(STATUS(1).EQ.SS$_TIMEOUT) THEN TTYINLIM=.FALSE. write(8,*) ' timeout' return ENDIF IF (I) THEN c write(8,*) ' returning from ttyinlim' return endif C C ERROR write(8,*) ' ttyinlim error.' CALL SYS$EXIT( %VAL(I) ) END c----------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE TTYOUT(LINE,N) BYTE LINE(*) INTEGER*2 N C output N characters without interpretation INCLUDE 'QIO.DCK' INTEGER I INTEGER SYS$QIOW EXTERNAL IO$M_NOFORMAT EXTERNAL IO$_WRITEVBLK C IF ( N.LE.0 ) RETURN C c print *, ' to be sent by ttyout ', line(1) I = SYS$QIOW(, - %VAL(CHAN), - %VAL(%LOC(IO$_WRITEVBLK).OR. - %LOC(IO$M_NOFORMAT)), - STATUS,,, - LINE, - %VAL(N),, - %VAL(0),, ) !NO CARRIAGE CONTROL if(I) then return endif C C ERROR write(8,*) ' ttyout error.' CALL SYS$EXIT( %VAL(I) ) END c-------------------------------------------------- subroutine giveup c this exit routine used especially in case exited via QIO problem include 'qio.dck' c note: if want log file message, must re-open since c system already closed all files before this exit handler got control c open(8,file='XMODEM.LOG',access='APPEND') c write(8,*) ' Exit handler.' c turn off passall call passall(CHAN,.FALSE.) return end c----------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE PASSALL(CHAN,SWITCH) C sets PASSALL mode for terminal connected to chanel CHAN, ON if switch true IMPLICIT INTEGER (A-Z) c INCLUDE '($TTDEF)' parameter tt$m_passall=1 parameter tt$m_eightbit='8000'x parameter io$_sensemode='27'x parameter io$_setmode='23'x c INCLUDE '($IODEF)' LOGICAL SWITCH COMMON/CHAR/CLASS,TYPE,WIDTH,CHARAC(3),LENGTH !byte reversed LENGTH BYTE CLASS,TYPE,CHARAC,LENGTH INTEGER*2 WIDTH,SPEED EQUIVALENCE(CHARACTER,CHARAC) c sense current terminal driver mode ISTAT=SYS$QIOW(,%VAL(CHAN),%VAL(IO$_SENSEMODE),,,, 1 CLASS,,,,,) IF (.NOT.ISTAT) CALL ERROR('TERMINAL SENSEMODE',ISTAT) IF(SWITCH) THEN c turn on 8 bit passall CHARACTER=CHARACTER.OR.TT$M_PASSALL.OR. 1 TT$M_EIGHTBIT ELSE c turn off 8 bit passall CHARACTER=CHARACTER.AND..NOT.TT$M_PASSALL.AND. 1 .NOT.TT$M_EIGHTBIT ENDIF SPEED=0 !LEAVE SPEED UNCHANGED PAR=0 !LEAVE PARITY UNCHANGED c set terminal mode with desired passall ISTAT=SYS$QIOW(,%VAL(CHAN),%VAL(IO$_SETMODE),,,, 1 CLASS,,%VAL(SPEED),,%VAL(PAR),) IF (.NOT.ISTAT) CALL ERROR('TERMINAL SETMODE',ISTAT) RETURN END c--------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE ERROR(STRING,MSGID) c Types error message IMPLICIT INTEGER(A-Z) CHARACTER*(*) STRING CHARACTER*80 MESSAGE TYPE *,' *** ERROR: ',STRING write(8,*) ' *** ERROR: ',STRING CALL SYS$GETMSG(%VAL(MSGID),MSGLEN,MESSAGE,%VAL(15),) TYPE *,MESSAGE(1:MSGLEN),CRLF write(8,*) MESSAGE(1:MSGLEN),CRLF RETURN END c----------------------------------------------------------- subroutine cancel INCLUDE 'QIO.DCK' c called to cancel send (at least) logical charintime,ttyinlim byte c parameter CAN=24 parameter SPACE=32 c eat garbage 100 charintime=ttyinlim(c,1,1) if(.NOT.charintime) goto 100 c cancel other end call ttyout(CAN,1) c eat garbage in case it didn't understand ? 200 charintime=ttyinlim(c,1,1) if(.NOT.charintime) goto 200 c clear the CAN from far end's input ???? why ? xmodem50.asm does it call ttyout(SPACE,1) c print*,' XMODEM program canceled' write(8,*)' XMODEM program canceled' call exit end c------------------------------------------------------ subroutine getack(acked) c returns .TRUE. if gets ACK logical charintime, ttyinlim, acked byte sector(130),c integer errorcount common /err/errorcount parameter ACK=6 parameter errlim=10 ! max number of errors parameter eotlim=10 ! seconds to wait for eot c print*,' inside getack' c empty typeahead in case garbage c charintime=ttyinlim(sector,130,0) c allow time for file close at other end. charintime=ttyinlim(c,1,eotlim) c print*,' getack got',c if( .NOT.charintime .OR. c.NE.ACK ) then c print*, ' not ACK, decimal=',c write(8,*) ' not ACK, decimal=',c errorcount=errorcount+1 if(errorcount.GE.errlim) then write(8,*) ' not acknowleged in 10 tries.' print*,' Can''t send sector. Aborting.' call exit endif acked=.FALSE. else c received ACK acked=.TRUE. endif return end