[comp.os.vms] laser symbiont

ccaw001@UTADNX.CC.UTEXAS.EDU ("Rick Watson") (08/19/87)

For the many of you that have been interested in a symbiont for
PostScript printers, my user-written laser symbiont is available on the
latest DECUS tape under [VAX87A.UTEXAS.LASER].

LASER is a user-written print symbiont that is tailored specifically to
the Apple LaserWriter.

This version of the symbiont is in use at several sites, but should
still be considered to be in "BETA" testing.  It has only been tested
with version 23 of the LaserWriter, but should work with later versions.

The symbiont as distributed is configured to print normal text files in
a variety of formats on the laser printer.  Support is also included for
printing PostScript files, MacPaint files, and Zeta plot files.  See
LASER.C for additional capabilities of the symbiont.

It is also available for anonymous ftp from utadnx.cc.utexas.edu:

LASER_BACKUP.BCK - A backup save set that should be transferred 
		   in binary,record mode by a site running WIN/TCP.
LASER_SHAR.COM -   A self-unpacking DCL-archive file. (ASCII only)

SPAN nodes may copy the files from UTSPAN::UTADNX""::[FAL]

You only need one of the files, the backup save set has everything
already built. (You'll need VAXC if you want to recompile.)

Since this is already being distributed via DECUS, I am not going to 
try posting or mailing the sources.

Rick Watson
University of Texas Computation Center
 arpa:   ccaw001@utadnx.cc.utexas.edu
 bitnet: ccaw001@utadnx
 span:   utspan::ccaw001
 phone:  512/471-3241  512/471-8220