Peck@RADC-MULTICS.ARPA (Rodney) (08/20/87)
ICSSM!!!!! (Bless you.) Do you or anyone (college, industry, etc.) you know need/want/desire an interactive, point to point communication system simulator?? FREE?? Then the Interactive Communication System Simulation Model (ICSSM) could be the answer. If a system can be broken up into block diagram representation, ICSSM can model it. ICSSM has over 100 generic modules (a.k.a. building blocks) including signal sources, transmitters, receivers, codecs, propagation channels, etc., etc., etc., that are continually enhanced by a user community of over 40 organizations from government, industry, and academia. If you would like to become a member of the ICSSM Users' Group and obtain your own copy of ICSSM, you need two things: 1) a VAX/VMS Version 4.0 (or higher) operating environmen, and 2) a request for ICSSM sent to-- RADC/DCLF Atten: Steve George Griffiss AFB, NY 13441-5700 NOTE: An array processor (FPS Series5000, AP120, or compatible) is nice but not necessary. Happy simulating!