[comp.os.vms] A little something...


$!      Hello, INFO-VAX'ers!
$!              I've collected so much stuff from the net -- for
$!      which thanks to all the contributors -- that I think it is time
$!      I contributed something. So, here it is: nothing fancy (hey,
$!      it's my first contribution!), but still quite useful.
$!      "getargs()" is a Pascal routine which returns the arguments on
$!      the command line used to invoke the program; it is modeled after
$!      the "argc/argv" mechanism of C.  You call "getargs()", which
$!      takes an array of character strings as its only argument.  It
$!      returns the number of arguments as its function value, while the
$!      actual arguments are stuffed into the array you supplied.
$!              There are no restrictions on the number of arguments or
$!      the length of each, except those imposed by DCL (i.e., the
$!      command line cannot exceed 1,024 characters).  If your array is
$!      too small, "getargs()" returns -1.  The standard DCL conversions
$!      apply: everything in double quotes is left alone, while
$!      everything outside of them is converted to uppercase (I can't
$!      help it -- DCL converts it to uppercase before I can get at it).
$!      To include a double quote, repeat it (i.e., "").
$!              To include the code in your program at link-time,
$!      extract (just "@" this message after extracting it
$!      "/noheader") it and compile it to produce an .OBJ file.  Then,
$!      in your program, declare it as an external function:
$!              function getargs(
$!                      var arg: array [l1..u1] of varying[u2] of char
$!              ): integer;
$!              extern;
$!      Compile your program; at link-time, include the .OBJ file on the
$!      "link..." command line.
$!              To include it at compile-time, extract the code and
$!      remove the statements "module mod$getargs;" and "end.", from the
$!      beginning and end. Then, in your program, insert:
$!              %include 'getargs' (* or whatever you named the file *)
$!              To call the routine, declare your array:
$!              arg:    array[<min>..<max>] of
$!                      varying[<maxarglen>] of char;
$!      and the variable to hold the number of arguments:
$!              numargs:        integer;
$!      and call "getargs()":
$!              numargs := getargs(arg);
$!      I hope you find this little routine useful!
$!      --------------------------------
$       crea getargs.pas
$       deck
 *      by
 *      Rahul Mangaldas (rmangaldas@clarku.bitnet)
 *      Box 1311, Clark University
 *      Worcester, Massachusetts 01610-1477
 *      This software is provide "as is", without warranty of any kind,
 *      either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
 *      implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
 *      particular purpose.

module mod$getargs;

type    word =  0..65535;

function lib$get_foreign(
        %descr  cmdlin: varying[u1] of char;
        %descr  prompt: varying[u2] of char := %immed 0;
        %ref    cmdlen: [word]
        %ref    force:  integer := %immed 0
): integer;

function getargs(
        var     arg:    array[l1..u1: integer] of varying[u2] of char
): integer;

var     done:   boolean;
        cmdlen: [word]
        k:      integer;
        cmdlin: varying[1024] of char;

begin   lib$get_foreign(cmdlin,, cmdlen,);
        if (cmdlen = 0) then begin
                j := 0;
                k := l1;
        end (* if *)
        else begin
                i := 1;
                j := 1;
                k := j + l1 - 1;
                arg[k] := '';
                while (i <= cmdlen) and
                      (k <= u1) do begin
                        if (cmdlin[i] = '"') then begin
                                i := i + 1;
                                done := i > cmdlen;
                                while (not done) do begin
                                        while (i <= cmdlen) and
                                              (not done) do begin
                                                if (cmdlin[i] <> '"') then begin
                                                        arg[k] := arg[k] +
                                                        i := i + 1;
                                                end (* if *)
                                                else begin
                                                        i := i + 1;
                                                        done := true;
                                                end; (* else *)
                                        end; (* while *)
                                        done := true;
                                        if (i <= cmdlen) then
                                                if (cmdlin[i] = '"') then begin
                                                        arg[k] := arg[k] + '"';
                                                        done := false;
                                                        i := i + 1;
                                                end (* if *)
                                        else if (cmdlin[(i - 1)] = '"') then
                                                arg[k] := arg[k] + '"';
                                end; (* while *)
                        end (* if *)
                        else if (cmdlin[i] = ' ') or
                                (cmdlin[i] = chr(9)) then begin
                                i := i + 1;
                                j := j + 1;
                                k := j + l1 - 1;
                                arg[k] := '';
                                while (cmdlin[i] = ' ') or
                                      (cmdlin[i] = chr(9)) do
                                        i := i + 1;
                        end (* else if *)
                        else begin
                                arg[k] := arg[k] + cmdlin[i];
                                i := i + 1;
                        end; (* else *)
                end; (* while *)
        end; (* else *)
        if (k <= u1) then
                getargs := j
                getargs := -1;
end; (* getargs() *)

end. (* module *)
$       eod
$       exit

Rahul Mangaldas (rmangaldas@clarku.bitnet)
Box 1311, Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610-1477