JOE@FHCRCVAX.BITNET (Joe Meadows) (08/26/87)
Some people are having problems compiling File.C, due to a (possible bug) with an older version of C. If you get an error about the structure Atr being invalid, then this change should solve it... Edit ATRDEF.H, go to the end of the file, and change this line: unsigned long int atr$l_addr; into this: char *atr$l_addr; Not having an old C compiler on hand to check this out I can't really say if its a documented 'feature' or not... Anyway, the above fix need only be applied if you are having problems compiling it.. By the way, it appears that FILE.C made it to many people before the actual FILE posting, even though I sent it out afterwards. If you received one without the other, wait a while to see if you get the other. If you don't, feel free to contact me. Cheers, Joe Meadows Jr. System Manager Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center bitnet - JOE@FHCRCVAX arpa - JOE%FHCRCVAX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU voice - (206) 467-4970