Speedup VAX-cluster startup-procedure ------------------------------------- Booting our VAX-cluster takes too long. It takes approximately 20 minutes before we have all systems up and running from a coldstart. The first bottleneck is the meeting that the 3 VAXes seem to have. Perhaps adding a quorum-disk can speedup that mumbling about entering and leaving the cluster? The second bottleneck is SYSTARTUP.COM itself. There are a lot of software products that have to be handled. Some of them I start up by submitting a job from batch. I edited one command-procedure to startup jnet from batch and if there is a problem I get a notification by MAIL from that command-procedure. The third bottleneck sometimes is the mount-verification of 10 RA81's if one of the systems was not shut down properly. I can handle that by switching off mount-verification. I am going to rewrite the startup-procedure. I want to implement a multi-trap-rocket taking care of dependencies. For example I should first startup DECnet and after that PSI. I think of writing one command-procedure which can be called with an argument indicating the command-procedure (eg. CMSSTARTUP.COM) There should be some error-checking and problems should be reported by MAIL using a distribution list pointing to our system-managers. SYSTARTUP.COM then could look like: $... $ @SUB_TO_BATCH CMSSTARTUP $ @SUB_TO_BATCH ACMSTART $ ... Now for my question: Anybody having some time-saving hints how to handle this all? I know how to do it but every hint might save me some time. To save you time reading boring remarks: PLEASE respond directly (immediately?) to me and I'll summarize back to INFO-VAX. Tel. +31-8370- .KeesdeGroot (DEGROOT@HWALHW50.BITNET) o\/o THERE AINT NO (8)3557/ Wageningen Agricultural University [] SUCH THING AS 4030 Computer-centre, the Netherlands .==. A FREE LUNCH! DISCLAIMER: My opinions are my own alone and do not represent any official position of my employer. - if you go too far to the east, you find yourself in the west .. -