[comp.os.vms] BOSS update


Below is an update to the BOSS program I posted in August.  It contains
a new BOSS.HLP and BOSS.DIF which using
will take you from BOSS 1.0 to BOSS 1.2.

Changes are:

(1) A process can initiate a switch to another process by defining
BOSS$SWITCH.  It can also stuff text into the input via of the new process

(2) A bug wherein PHY_IO was inherited by the subprocesses is fixed.

    Charles Karney
    Plasma Physics Laboratory   Phone:   609/683-2607
    Princeton University        MFENet:  Karney@PPC.MFENET
    PO Box 451                  ARPANet: Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA
    Princeton, NJ 08544-0451    Bitnet:  Karney%PPC.MFENET@ANLVMS.BITNET
....................... Cut between dotted lines and save ......................
$! VAX/VMS archive file created by VMS_SHAR V-5.01 01-Oct-1987
$! which was written by Michael Bednarek (U3369429@ucsvc.dn.mu.oz.au)
$! To unpack, simply save and execute (@) this file.
$! This archive was created by KARNEY
$! on Friday 2-OCT-1987 17:06:11.28
$! It contains the following 2 files:
$ Set Symbol/Scope=(NoLocal,NoGlobal)
$ Version=F$GetSYI("VERSION") ! See what VMS version we have here:
$ If Version.ges."V4.4" then goto Version_OK
$ Write SYS$Output "Sorry, you are running VMS ",Version, -
                ", but this procedure requires V4.4 or higher."
$ Exit 44
$Version_OK: CR[0,8]=13
$ Pass_or_Failed="failed!,passed."
$ Goto Start
$ Read/Time_Out=0/Error=No_Error1/Prompt="creating ''File_is'" SYS$Command ddd
$No_Error1: Define/User_Mode SYS$Output NL:
$ Edit/TPU/NoSection/NoDisplay/Command=SYS$Input/Output='File_is' -
Position(Beginning_of(b));Loop x:=Erase_Character(1);Loop ExitIf x<>"V";
ExitIf Mark(None)=End_of(b) EndLoop;Position(Beginning_of(b));Loop
x:=Search("`",Forward,Exact);ExitIf x=0;Position(x);Erase_Character(1);
If Current_Character='`' then Move_Horizontal(1);else
$ Checksum 'File_is
$ Success=F$Element(Check_Sum_is.eq.CHECKSUM$CHECKSUM,",",Pass_or_Failed)+CR
$ Read/Time_Out=0/Error=No_Error2/Prompt=" CHECKSUM ''Success'" SYS$Command ddd
$No_Error2: Return
$ File_is="BOSS.HLP"
$ Check_Sum_is=1047802103
XBOSS is an interactive job controller.  It lets you run several interactive
Xjobs simultaneously.  Before running BOSS put
X    $ boss :== $usr:[utility]boss
Xinto your login.com file.  In order to run BOSS type
X    $ boss
XBOSS was written by Charles Karney based on the PHOTO program written by Asbed
XBedrossian of USC.  It utilizes the Pseudo TTY package of Kevin Carosso of
XHughes Aircraft Co.
XBugs, questions, etc. to Charles Karney (Karney@PPC).
X2 Description
XBOSS lets you create up to 8 processes each of which is identified by a
Xsingle letter (A thru Z).  This letter is used in the process name and in
Xthe DCL prompt.  At most one of these processes is ``current'.  This means
Xthat what you type is sent to that process, and output from that process is
Xsent to your terminal.  A process which is not current can run but cannot do
Xoutput.  (Output is saved until you make that process current.)  You usually
Xswitch between processes by typing control-\ followed by the identifying
Xletter.  It is also possible to have have of your processes initiate the
XYou can run any program under BOSS.  For example, you might
X    run Emacs or EVE                   in process E
X    SET HOST to the EPX                in process H
X    run NETTY to the B machine         in process B
X    do a FORTRAN compilation           in process F
X    execute DCL commands               in process D
X    talk to your colleague using PHONE in process P
Xand so on.
XOf course, you would normally not need to run so many processes.  (Indeed
Xyour subprocess quota may only let you run 5 processes.)  When you are
Xthrough with a process, you should log out of it (with ``logout') and switch
Xback to some other process.
XBOSS makes no attempt to keep track of what is on your screen.  Usually when
Xswitching to a process which manages the screen in an advanced manner, you
Xshould issue a command to the program to get it to re-draw the screen.
X(This is control-w for EVE, PHONE, SPELL; control-l for Emacs.)
XBOSS uses the VT100 escape sequences for clearing the screen, etc.  However
Xit should still be useable on non-VT100-compatible terminals.
X2 Commands
XUsually, all commands to BOSS begin with the C-\ (control-\).  The exception
Xis when there is no current process (i.e., initially and immediately after
Xlogging out of a process).  In that case the C-\ is optional.
XThe commands are:
X    C-h (or BS) Print command summary
X    C-z         Quit (asking confirmation if there are processes)
X    a thru z    Switch to a particular process (starting it if necessary)
X    A thru Z     the same except clear the screen first
X    ?           List processes (* means current, + means waiting for output)
X    C-\         Send a real C-\ to the current process
X    DEL         Do nothing
X    other       Sound the bell on the terminal
X2 Communicating
XBOSS and the processes under it can communicate via logical names.  The
Xfollowing are recognized:
XBOSS$ID (in process table);  BOSS defines this as the identifying letter of
Xthe process.  This can be used in tailoring the DCL prompt etc.;  e.g.,
X    $ set prompt "boss-''f$trnlnm("boss$id")'>"
XIt can also be used to indicate to a program that it is running under BOSS.
XBOSS$SWITCH (in job table); whenever BOSS is writes output to the real
Xterminal, it checks whether BOSS$SWITCH is defined.  If it's defined as a
Xsingle letter, BOSS will switch to that process and delete the logical name.
XThus a DCL procedure can initiate a switch to process G with
X    $ define/job boss$switch g
X    $ write sys$error ""`009! do some output to make BOSS wake up
XBOSS$STUFF (in job table); whenever a BOSS makes a process initiated
Xswitch.  It stuffs the definition of BOSS$STUFF into the input stream of
Xthe process being switched to.  After being used, BOSS$STUFF is deleted.
X3 Examples
XThe following command procedure will do a SHO DEF and leave SHO DEF in the
Xrecall buffer:
X    $ cr[0,8] = 13
X    $ define/job boss$stuff "sho def''cr'"
X    $ define/job boss$switch 'f$trnlnm("boss$id")'
XHere's how to switch to process F and have the present job continue
X    $ define/job boss$switch f
X    $ char[0,8] = 22`009`009`009! control-V
X    $ gosub out_char
X    $ return
X    $!
X    $out_char:`009`009! Spit out the character
X    $ read/prompt='char'/end=40$/error=40$/time_out=0 sys$command dummy
X    $40$: return
XIf you want the present process to wait, then repeat the gosub out_char 3
XReturn paths may be implemented via additional logical names.  E.g., the
Xprocedure that runs Emacs under BOSS does the following.
XIf Emacs isn't running (boss$emacs undefined) do
X    $ define/job boss$emacs 'f$trnlnm("boss$id")'
Xand start Emacs.
XIf Emacs is running (boss$emacs defined) do
X    $ define/job boss$return_switch 'f$trnlnm("boss$id")'
X    $ define/job boss$switch 'f$trnlnm("boss$emacs","lnm$job")'
X    $ gosub out_char
X    $ gosub out_char
X    $ gosub out_char
XThe suspend-emacs function in Emacs is redefined to do the equivalent of
X    $ define/job boss$switch 'f$trnlnm("boss$return_switch","lnm$job")'
X    $ deassign/job boss$return_switch
X    ...
XSimilarly boss$return_stuff may be used as the string to stuff into the
Xprocess on return.  The edit procedure that is called on a TeX error may
Xset this to the current TeX command line so that on exiting from the
Xeditor the user has the input buffer prepared with the command to re-run
XTeX.  The user then has the option either of accepting the command (by
Xtyping return) or cancelling it (with C-u).
X2 Bugs
XBOSS does single character input.  This is rather slow.  Don't expect it to
Xbe able to keep up with lots of data coming from the terminal.
XThe output on a Visual 550 at 9600 baud occasionally has glitches in it.
XThis is because the Visual 550 needs flow control enabled to operate at 9600
Xbaud, but BOSS doesn't react quickly enough to the control-s sent by the
Xterminal.  The solution is to run at 4800 baud or slower.
XBOSS sometimes hangs when it runs out of BYTLM.  I believe this is caused by
XLIB$SPAWN never returning (instead of returning with an error code).  Make
Xsure your BYTLM is high enough.  (It appears that 8000 is too low.  40000 is
XOutput gets garbled when using BOSS via SET HOST (i.e., SET HOST followed by
XBOSS).  This happens when you type while output is coming to your terminal.
XThe symptom is that the lines come out in the wrong order.  It's OK to use
XSET HOST while in BOSS (i.e., BOSS followed by SET HOST).
XPC file transfer (e.g., using MACX, XMODEM) probably doesn't work through
XBOSS.  (Actually I have got downloads to work with MACX.  That presumably is
Xan accident of the Mac not sending a C-\ as part of the handshaking.
XUploads seem to stall.)
XAttempting to attach to the process running BOSS from one of its
Xsubprocesses causes a hangage.
X2 Unfeatures
XThe following features are not implemented but are possible future
X* Log files.
X* Largish output buffer for non-current processes (have to worry about
X  controlling the output though).  Sending a C-s won't work.
X* Ability to kill particular processes.
X* Ability to ATTACH to non-BOSS processes.  I haven't managed to make this
X  work yet.
X* Configurable for other terminals.
X* Allow default directory to propagate to other processes.
$ GoSub Convert_File
$ File_is="BOSS.DIF"
$ Check_Sum_is=456414080
X-    3
XVersion 1.1.  August 27, 1987
XVersion 1.2.  September 30, 1987
X    Stop PHY_IO being inherited by subprocesses.
X-   39
X#include LNMDEF
X#include PRVDEF
X-   72,   72
X  pid[nproc], st, cur, count[nproc], procno[nalph], priv[2], no_phy_io;
X-   81,   81
X  pending = 0, quit_pending = 0, oboss_id = 0;
X-   85
Xstatic short trnlnm_string_len;
Xstatic char trnlnm_string[81];
Xstruct ITEM_LST {
X    unsigned short len, code; unsigned long addr, retlen;
X  } trnlnm_item = {80, LNM$_STRING, &trnlnm_string, &trnlnm_string_len};
X-   88
X  char id[2];
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_boss_id,"BOSS$ID");
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_id, id);
X  if (oboss_id != 0) {`009`009/* Restore BOSS$ID */
X    id[0] = oboss_id;
X    j = LIB$SET_LOGICAL(&d_boss_id,&d_id,0,0,0);
X  }
X-  122,  122
X  char proc[20],prompt[4],id[2];
X-  125
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_boss_id,"BOSS$ID");
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_id, id); /* The id */
X-  141,  142
X  id[0] = name;
X  check(LIB$SET_LOGICAL(&d_boss_id,&d_id,0,0,0));
X  st = LIB$SPAWN(0,&d_pty_io,&d_pty_io,&flg,&d_proc,pid,0,0,
X                &comp_srv,n,&d_prompt,0);
X  check(LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL(&d_boss_id,0));
X-  158,  160
X  int j;
X  char nname;
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_boss_switch,"BOSS$SWITCH");
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_boss_stuff,"BOSS$STUFF");
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_lnm_job,"LNM$JOB");
X  check(SYS$QIO(1,tt_chn,IO$_WRITEVBLK,&tiosb,0,0,
X                &tpline[n],count[n],0,0,0,0));
X  j = SYS$TRNLNM(0,&d_lnm_job,&d_boss_switch,0,&trnlnm_item);
X  check(SYS$WAITFR(1));         /* for some reason QIOW does not work */
X  if (!bad(j) && trnlnm_string_len == 1) {
X    j = LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL(&d_boss_switch,&d_lnm_job);
X    nname = toupper(trnlnm_string[0]);
X    j = SYS$TRNLNM(0,&d_lnm_job,&d_boss_stuff,0,&trnlnm_item);
X    if (!bad(j)) {
X      j = LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL(&d_boss_stuff,&d_lnm_job);
X      trnlnm_string[trnlnm_string_len] = '\0';
X    } else {
X      trnlnm_string[0] = '\0';
X    }
X    if (nname >= 'A' && nname <= 'Z')
X      mov_to(nname, 0, trnlnm_string);
X  }
X-  212,  212
X  int j, item;
X  short len;
X-  218,  223
X  if (bad(j)) strcpy(image,"<UNKNOWN>");
X  else {
X    image[len]='\0';
X    if (len == 0) {
X      item = JPI$_CLINAME;
X      j = LIB$GETJPI(&item,&pid,0,0,&d_image,&len);
X      if (bad(j)) strcpy(image,"<UNKNOWN>");
X      else image[len]='\0';
X    }
X    else {
X      if ((ptr = strrchr(image,']'))) ptr++;
X      else ptr = &image;
X      if (ptra = strchr(ptr,'.')) *ptra = '\0';
X    }
X-  228,  231
Xmov_to(nname, clear, string)`009/* Switch to process */
Xchar nname, *string;
Xint clear;
X  int ncur,len;
X  char *prefix;
X  prefix = clear ? clr : bos;
X  len = strlen(string);
X  if ((cur >= 0) && (name[cur] == nname)) { /* Redundant move */
X    if (len == 0) {
X      sprintf(buf,"%s[Already in process %c, %s]%s",
X`009      prefix,nname,get_image(pid[cur]),ceoln);
X      term_msg(buf);
X    }
X  }
X  else if ((ncur = procno[nname-'A']) >= 0) { /* Existing proc */
X    cur = ncur;
X    sprintf(buf,"%s[Switch to process %c, %s]%s",
X`009    prefix,name[cur],get_image(pid[cur]),ceoln);
X    term_msg(buf);
X    if (blocked[cur]) term_out(cur);
X  }
X  else if ((ncur = next_slot()) < 0) {
X    if (cur >= 0)
X      sprintf(buf,"%s[No process slots left--still in %c]%s",
X`009      bos,name[cur],ceoln);
X    else sprintf(buf,"%s[No process slots left]%s",bos,ceoln);
X    term_msg(buf);
X    len = 0;
X  }
X  else {
X    sprintf(buf,"%s[Starting process %c...%s",prefix,nname,ceol);
X    term_msg(buf);
X    if (bad(fire_up(ncur,nname))) {
X      if (cur >= 0)
X`009sprintf(buf,"failed!!\007--still in %c]%s",name[cur],ceoln);
X      else
X      term_msg(buf);
X      len = 0;
X    } else {
X      sprintf(buf,"done; now in process %c, %s]%s\r",
X`009      nname,get_image(pid[ncur]),ceol);
X      term_msg(buf);
X      cur = ncur;
X      if (blocked[cur]) term_out(cur);
X    }
X  }
X  if (len > 0) {
X    check(SYS$QIOW(0,py_chn[cur],IO$_WRITEVBLK,&tiosb,0,0,
X                   string,len,0,0,0,0));
X    check(tiosb.stats);
X  }
Xtt_srv()                        /* AST: Read on real terminal */
X  int i;
X  char post, nname;
X-  283,  320
X`009mov_to(nname,input_char < 'a',""); /* Clear if upper case */
X-  374
X  if (no_phy_io) check(SYS$SETPRV(1,&priv,0,0));
X-  378
X  if (no_phy_io) check(SYS$SETPRV(0,&priv,0,0));
X-  421,  421
X  int j,item;
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_boss_id,"BOSS$ID");
X  $DESCRIPTOR(d_lnm_process,"LNM$PROCESS");
X-  426
X`009`009`009`009/* Save old value of BOSS$ID */
X  j = SYS$TRNLNM(0,&d_lnm_process,&d_boss_id,0,&trnlnm_item);
X  if (!bad(j) && trnlnm_string_len == 1) {
X    oboss_id = trnlnm_string[0];
X    j = LIB$DELETE_LOGICAL(&d_boss_id,0);
X  }
X  item = JPI$_PROCPRIV;`009`009/* Check whether have PHY_IO */
X  check(LIB$GETJPI(&item,0,0,&priv,0,0));
X  no_phy_io = !(priv[0] & PRV$M_PHY_IO);
X  priv[0] = PRV$M_PHY_IO; priv[1] = 0;
X  if (no_phy_io) check(SYS$SETPRV(0,&priv,0,0));
X-  436,  436
X  printf("Begin BOSS 1.2\nType control-\\ control-h for information\n\n");
$ GoSub Convert_File
$ Exit