GG.UUU@ISUMVS.BITNET ("John Hascall") (10/12/87)
Todd Warnock <WARNOCK@PRISM.CLEMSON.EDU> writes: > I recently posted a question about setting the creation date in a file. > I think I was a bit misleading in what the problem really was. I can set the > creation date on a new file, but I am having trouble on an existing file. I > am enclosing the code that does this, in hopes of getting some help/pointers > on where I am going wrong. . . FORTRAN program using useropen feature omitted . I don't believe that using useropen will be successful--you should look into using $QIOW functions IO$_ACCESS and IO$_MODIFY as in the utility "FILE" posted to this group a short while ago. John Hascall Iowa State University Computation Center Ames, IA 50010 { GGUUU@ISUMVS | GAJPH@ISUMVS | GVJPH@ISUVAX } .BITNET