[comp.os.vms] Pascal run-time messages

arnold@mucs.UX.CS.MAN.AC.UK (Toby Howard) (10/27/87)

Does anyone know how to take the error number from a status(file) in Pascal
and turn it into an error string? (Other than looking it up in the manual
:-) ) Thanks...

[This is a shared account. Please ignore the From: field, and reply to the
 following address. Thanks]

Toby Howard      Computer Graphics Unit, Manchester University, UK.
                 janet: thoward@uk.ac.man.cs.cgu
                 internet: thoward%cgu.cs.man.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk

rbt@cernvax.UUCP (10/30/87)

In article <2071@mucs.UX.CS.MAN.AC.UK> thoward%cgu.cs.man.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk (Toby Howard) writes:
>Does anyone know how to take the error number from a status(file) in Pascal
>and turn it into an error string? (Other than looking it up in the manual
>:-) ) Thanks...

There is a system routine that can be called to translate any VMS status code;
I've never tested it versus Pascal error codes, but it should run.

This  routine  is called  SYS$GETMSG; it  accepts  5  parameters whose Pascal
declaration can be:

function   SYS$GETMSG(msgid: integer;
                      var msglen: integer;
                      var bufadr: packed array[1..256] of char;
                      flags: integer;
                      outadr: packed array [1..4] of char): integer;

where: msgid is the error code (INPUT);
       msglen is the returned length of the message (OUTPUT);
       bufadr is the character string containing the message (OUTPUT);
       flags is a bit array which specifies the message components to be
             returned (15 means full message) (INPUT);
       outadr is the pointer to an optional information buffer, dummy (OUTPUT);
The returned value can be SS$_NORMAL (all O.K.), SS$_BUFFEROVF (returned string
truncated) or SS$_MSGNOTFND (message code cannot be found).

So, if  all the  parameters have  been passed  properly, after the call to this
routine you should have the error string in bufadr[1..msglen].

	Roberto Divia'