perkins@arc.CDN (Ernie Perkins) (11/13/87)
I believe (as do many other members of info-vax) that I am not receiving a full slate of messages. As "the powers that be" along our link are not too enthusiastic about tracing down where messages went missing ... if they did .... (neither would I be without some documentation), I ask that anyone who has an "easy" way of checking how many messages were sent out on INFO-VAX between Oct 18 to Oct 30, inclusive, to send me the number. In our archives, the last message received on Oct 17 had the title "RE: Re: Monitor Ethernet -- How?" and the first on Oct 31 had the title "Comment on uVAX disc controllers: R". Please send to me directly, thanks in advance, Ernie Perkins alias "der Schrumpfschluch", Alberta Research Council. CSNET: perkins%arc.cdn@ubc.csnet UUCP: ...!alberta!arc.cdn!perkins ARPA: