[comp.os.vms] Jnet use


In response to Christian Bode, who asked about a program to make using
Jnet easier, I must say that I don't know of any.

However, at the direction of my system manager, I am about to begin
writing a DCL command procedure which will act as a menu driver for
Jnet.  I haven't fully outlined what will be included in the procedure
and (because of higher priorities) I am not sure when it will be completed
(probably not until after the new year).  To anyone who is willing to wait
that long, I would be happy to send you a copy (please send me your name
and Bitnet address); otherwise, I suggest you may wish to tackle the same
type of project.

Of course, if there is someone out there who already knows of some program
or command procedure, let me know and I'll scrap my bright ideas.

| Daniel A. Dinkin      Towson State University, Academic Computing Service |
| Networking Manager    28 Cook Library, Towson, MD 21204  (301) 321-4085   |
|                                                                           |
|       Bitnet:         E7OPDAN@TOWSONVX                                    |
|                                                                           |
|                  Those who do not look to the future,                     |
|                   Are doomed to live in the pasture.                      |
|                                                                           |

R022DB3L@VB.CC.CMU.EDU (Mithrandir) (11/15/87)

I must have missed the initial question about Jnet use, so I'm not quite sure
which aspects of the package are trying to be simplified.

However, if anyone is looking for a program to help simplify interactive
conversations across Bitnet, I have a program that may help.  It's called
Xyzzy, and is a deluxe chatting program specifically designed to make holding
conversations easy.  There are a whole bunch of features such as the use of
nicknames, support for multiple users (either in multiple or single
conversation), a message history or logging messages to a file, and even 
ignoring messages from selected users.

Xyzzy actually exists in two forms - one of which runs on any VAX/VMS system
(well, VMS 4.x), and one which will run on any IBM VM/CMS system.  The two
are as identical as possible, so if you've got both types of systems at your
site, Xyzzy can prove as somewhat of a common denominator when it comes to
holding conversations over the net.

Oh, and for system managers, Xyzzy supports prime time restrictions to help
eliminate "chatting" during working hours.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, just drop me a line and I'll send you a 
copy of the package.

** I'd prefer that requests get sent to: Y612DB3L@CMCCVB  (bitnet address) **

-- David Bolen
   Carnegie-Mellon University
   Bitnet:  R022DB3L@CMCCVB
   Arpanet: R022DB3L@VB.CC.CMU.EDU


Funny you should ask....  Anybody who is on this list via Jnet should consider
joining JNET-L, a BITNET list for discussing Jnet and other NJE-network topics.
There has been some grumbling, of late, regarding the relative paucity of
goodies available via BITNET for VMS sites, and I expect that in the not-too-
distant future we may see the establishment of a file server and a number of
good submissions.  To get on the list, send "SUBSCRIBE JNET-L personal-name"
to JNET-L@BITNIC.  To find out more about using LISTSERV, send "HELP" to the
same address.

(There are a few other LISTSERVs that serve this list, and one of them may
be "closer" to your site.  Send "REVIEW JNET-L (SHORT" and see what nodes