GILBY@ECC.tased.oz (John Gilbert) (11/24/87)
System managers frequently complain (at least some do) that they are not able to find what DECServer port is being used when someone logs in. This is important if you wish, as we do, to add security checks based on terminal port. Since version 4.6 of VMS (and maybe before) it has been possible to do this. The 4.6 release notes document two modifiers to the the IO$_TTY_PORT function for $QIO, but they do not document a 3rd modifier IO$M_LT_READPORT. I discovered this in STARLET.REQ. Even if you do not have BLISS on your system it is well worth looking at this. The program below (a very cut down but complete BLISS program) finds the DECServer port and node name and prints it on the terminal. The critical bit of code is marked with !***** and can be converted to any language and used in your security software. Note that the DECServer port and node name are returned in the QIO buffer as two concatenated counted strings. John Gilbert Elizabeth Computer Centre, Corner Warwick and Murray Streets, Tasmania 7000, Australia. MODULE lt_port (MAIN = lt_port, ADDRESSING_MODE (EXTERNAL = GENERAL), ADDRESSING_MODE (NONEXTERNAL = WORD_RELATIVE)) = BEGIN FORWARD ROUTINE lt_port, fao_call; LIBRARY 'SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET'; MACRO out_fao (ctrstr) [] = ! Easy FAO and output call lib$put_output( fao_call( %ASCID %STRING(ctrstr) %IF %LENGTH GTR 1 %THEN , %REMAINING %FI )) %; EXTERNAL ROUTINE lib$put_output; ROUTINE lt_port = BEGIN LOCAL status, lt_chan, buffer : VECTOR [128, BYTE]; $assign (chan = lt_chan, devnam = %ASCID'sys$command'); status = $qiow ( !***** chan = .lt_chan, !***** func = io$_tty_port OR io$m_lt_readport, !***** p1 = buffer, !***** p2 = 128); !***** IF .status EQL ss$_illiofunc THEN (out_fao ('Not a LAT device'); RETURN 1); IF NOT .status THEN RETURN .status; out_fao ('Node: !AC, Port: !AC', buffer [.buffer [0] + 1], buffer [0]); RETURN 1; END; ROUTINE fao_call (ctrstr, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10) = BEGIN OWN outstr : VECTOR [256,BYTE], outstr_dsc : VECTOR [2] INITIAL (256, outstr); outstr_dsc [0] = 256; $fao (.ctrstr,outstr_dsc, outstr_dsc, .p1, .p2, .p3, .p4, .p5, .p6, .p7, .p8, .p9, .p10); RETURN outstr_dsc; END; END !End of module ELUDOM