[comp.os.vms] Calling Edt From a Program and returning...


Recently, a user came up to me and asked me "How can I EDIT a file from
my program and return back to my program where it left off."  Being
narrow minded, I said "Call LIB$SPAWN (etc etc)."

That was a fine answer for her, but not for me.  I needed to do the call
myself and i refused to do a lib$spawn.  There had to be a better way.  Well,
there is.  Now, all you Vax Guru folks out there relax and go on to the next

(Boy it got quiet in here).  Ok, there is a callable routine that allows you
to do it.  Here's the call

EDT$EDIT (infile [,outfile] [,comfile] [,joufile] [,options] [,fileio]
          [,workio] [,xlate])

infile, outfile, comfile, joufile must be passed by descriptor
options is a mask passed by reference
fileio, workio, and xlate are vectors (reference to a procedure)

I can't seem to find out what ALL of the parameters are, but one can figure
out most of them.

- John Sottile
Student Systems Programmer
Loyola College in Maryland