[comp.os.vms] micro conference, might be of interest


                    ***CALL FOR PAPERS***

Don't miss the Fourth Annual Academic Microcomputing Conference,
24-27 April 1988, Indianapolis, IN.  Present a paper on any aspect of
micros in the university.

Conference Deadlines:
8 January 1988:  Abstracts accepted until 5pm; 500 or fewer words.
5 February 1988:  Notifications mailed of accepted abstracts.
18 March 1988:  Deadline for accepted papers; 10 or fewer pages maximum.

Send abstracts via Bitnet to: Toni Rosen (TONI@LOYVAX), or mail to: Toni
Rosen, User Services, Loyola College, 4501 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD
21210. Include author name(s), mailing address(es), and e-mail address(es).

For more information: contact John Hodges, BACS, Indiana U, 750 N. SR 46,
Bloomington, IN 47405 (812) 335-7281  (HODGES@IUBACS.BITNET).