(Dr. Tom @ MKO, DTN 264-4865) (12/30/87)
George Cook @ WVNET, in his message posted: 28 Dec 87 05:27:00 GMT, wrote > > The part number is QL001-KR. The price is $228. The monthly > > charge to receive updates is $19. > > The above is a copy of what I sent to the original reguestor. I > am sending it to the list since it seems to be requested fairly > regularly and because several earlier responses were incorrect > or incomplete. > > The information is from the Sept. 28, 1987 price book. All standard > disclaimers apply. > > If your local sales and/or software services is anything like ours, > you will have to lead them by the hand because uFiche is unknown > territory for them. Don't fall for the line "It requires a source > license." My understanding is that the option itself includes a > source license for listings. However, Digital may require you to > sign a source license agreement. His information is more or less correct; QL001-KR is the only fiche option listed in the current hardcopy price book. However, the -KR option is the update service for a pre-existing source license. In principal, if you don't have the pre-existing license and media, you can't buy the update for it. The option number for VMS source listings on Microfiche is QL001-FR. The -FR option provides a "Location-use sources license, microfiche listings" or "unlicensed diagnostics, microfiche listings" (it could be either, but in this case it is the former). (This information is from the table on page "SOFTWARE PREFACE PAGE 1" of the current Digital U. S. Price List.) The current price for this option is $604. As George Cook indicated, you (or someone authorized to sign contracts for your company) may have to sign a formal license agreement before you will be allowed to order this. The option includes the license fee for the source license, and the first set of microfiche. The -KR option that's listed in the price book is the update service for the sources on microfiche. Since it's a service, you can either pay for it for a year in one lump sum ($228), or on a monthly basis ($19/month). This is what you'd want to buy if you already have a -FR option, and want to receive new microfiche source updates as they become available. I suspect that if you've been a VMS customer long enough to have received the microfiche in the past, you can probably buy a -KR and get the next set of fiche without first buying a -FR. I may be mistaken about this, so if you are told otherwise, don't blame me. If you've never received microfiche in the past, then you'll probably be asked to buy the -FR to get the initial set, and you'll want to buy the -KR to get future sets as they become available. Again, my best guess. Hope this helps.. Tom Dr. Thomas P. Blinn Channels Marketing Group Digital Equipment Corporation 1 Continental Blvd. -- MKO1-2/D12 Merrimack, New Hampshire 03054 Internet: Easynet: HAMSTR::BLINN Usenet: {decvax,ucbvax,allegra}!decwrl!!blinn Phone: (603) 884-4865 Note: Opinions expressed herein are my own, and do not necessarily represent those of my employer or anyone else, living or dead, real or imagined.