[comp.os.vms] formatting rx50k diskettes w/pc or compatible.

tenaglia@astroatc.UUCP (Chris Tenaglia) (01/07/88)

We have a Microvax I with Microvms. It has an RX50 diskette drive.
As far as I know, there is no utility to format RX50K diskettes.
I read somewhere in a book by Peter Norton that the diskette controller
in the IBM PC is somewhat programmable. Does anybody have or heard
of some nifty IBMPC utilty for formatting alien diskettes, namely RX50K.

Thanx loads,

Chris Tenaglia
Astronautics Corporation of America
4115 N Teutonia Avenue
Milwaukee, Wi 53209
(414) 447-8200 X450

campbell@maynard.BSW.COM (Larry Campbell) (01/08/88)

In article <690@astroatc.UUCP> tenaglia@astroatc.UUCP (Chris Tenaglia) writes:
<>We have a Microvax I with Microvms. It has an RX50 diskette drive.
<>As far as I know, there is no utility to format RX50K diskettes.
<>I read somewhere in a book by Peter Norton that the diskette controller
<>in the IBM PC is somewhat programmable. Does anybody have or heard
<>of some nifty IBMPC utilty for formatting alien diskettes, namely RX50K.

You can't do it.  The RX50 is a 96 TPI (quad density) drive;  IBM PC drives
are 48 TPI drives (double density) or 96 TPI drives requiring high coercivity
media (high density).  About the only practical way to format RX50 diskettes
is with an RX50 drive.  The easiest and cheapest way is to buy a used Rainbow
and use it as a formatter.
Larry Campbell                                The Boston Software Works, Inc.
Internet: campbell@maynard.bsw.com          120 Fulton Street, Boston MA 02109
uucp: {husc6,mirror,think}!maynard!campbell         +1 617 367 6846